AMIGASYSTEMDistro Maintainer Posted
11 months agoNothing has changed, now even the folders are not replaced, see attached video.
Perhaps this is a problem that only affects DualPNGs?
AMIGASYSTEM attached the following file:
In your first video you said that the def icons weren't displaying correctly. That was fixed.
Now the second video shows the icon images aren't changing which is a different problem. But you say nothing has changed. It's good that you included the second video because I would still be trying to guess what you mean by nothing has changed. I'll correct the icon exchange also.
AMIGASYSTEMDistro Maintainer Posted
11 months agoThank you miker and sorry to pester you with my reports!
AMIGASYSTEMDistro Maintainer Posted
11 months agoNow the problem is below the base, see screenshot, strange yesterday with the new core the previous version worked be, now again the problem, what causes it?
AMIGASYSTEM attached the following image:
It's caused by the coordinates for EraseRectangle being a few pixels off in the y axis because the height of the window titlebar varies. I could shorten the height of rectangle. That way it won't erase the entire display area. There will be a margin of a few pixels on top and bottom. That will keep it from erasing the border.
The coordinates for GadTools gadgets are a major pain. For example if you want to describe an x-y coordinate for the top left corner of a box it would look like this: x = (winwidth - leftoffset -winrightborder - deltasize - 2). Y= ( wintopborder - topoffset - winbottomborder -6) / 2. That's just craziness! No wonder MUI/Zune forgoes coords.
Although removing the two smaller display areas might be an elegant solution to the display issue it isn't that easy. The display areas are both Raised Bevel Boxes that also represent the bounding rectangles of the Drop Zones. We could replace them with simple black boxes but the top or bottom would still get erased. We need to find a better solution for this problem.
AMIGASYSTEMDistro Maintainer Posted
11 months agoOK, thanks for the information, there is always something to learn.
Here is the newest IconDrop binary and source code. It has the new Erase_Rectangle function. I tested it with several different images and using several different window themes of different sizes as far as height of window titlebar.
I also attached some screenshots of IconDrop. This one is a new version 1.02 so if it works well it will replace version 1.01 on AROS Archives. This is the release candidate.
I noticed some display issues with the Ice Theme. But IconDrop isn't the only one. Some Zune Applications also have display issues with the Ice Theme. Maybe Ice Theme needs fixed?
The WaterColor Cubic Themes and WaterColor Diagonal Themes work fine at Screen Text Sizes 13,15,16. VMWaros4 and OS41 Themes are also working well with IconDrop. Or rather IconDrop works well with these themes.
Edited by miker1264 on 29-12-2023 13:02,
11 months ago
miker1264 attached the following file:
AMIGASYSTEMDistro Maintainer Posted
11 months agoDone the test, now it works perfectly with all "your Themes", with the ICE Theme and all the ones I created based on it have a problem on the left side, I think the themes found on Aros archive also have the same problem, on many of them I created my own themes.
I need to check what's different
Made a screenshot showing the problem, to see it well I used Palette Prefs to lighten the background of the grey GUIs !
AMIGASYSTEM attached the following image:
AMIGASYSTEMDistro Maintainer Posted
11 months agoYes I have tested with both 2.3 and 2.4, the results are the same, the screenshot I did with 2.4 (C lib)
After doing some further testing with the Ice Theme and those derived from it with window border thickness of 10 I noticed a few things.
For whatever reason if the window border has a thickness greater than five there are distortions both vertical and horizontal. This graphics issue seems to be an internal AROS issue maybe with the Window Decoration?
In the screenshot you can see the original distorted IconDrop user interface at the top. After I added some correction factors the enhanced IconDrop user interface in on the bottom left. Notice also the bottom button of ScreenGrabber.
The Zune user interface is also distorted.
I'm not sure why this is happening. For example if my IconDrop window while using Ice Theme with screen font Arial 16 is supposed to be 231 it is actually drawn as 227. So it is 4 pixels short. Something similar happens to window height. It is drawn shorter than it really is. When you query Window width in this case it reports width = 231.
This window layout issue that corrupts the graphics for the right side and bottom side may be related to the window theme scroller gadgets on the right and bottom that are drawn wrong.
Edited by miker1264 on 30-12-2023 19:02,
11 months ago
miker1264 attached the following image:
AMIGASYSTEMDistro Maintainer Posted
11 months agoIn fact, it seems that by increasing the window border by 10, instead of growing and advancing outwards, it does so inwards, but only from the left side!
I don't know if this is a clue, Amiga OS 3.1 seems to have border 5, whereas OS 3.9 has a much larger border!
At the moment it can be solved by correcting all configurations and fixing the border at 5 (even just the left border)
After much testing I concluded that the windows were being drawn correctly depending on which theme is currently being used. My program offsets needed to be adjusted to display correctly.
The program now works as expected with window themes with different border thickness.
Here is the revised IconDrop program and source code. The code is still a bit messy.
miker1264 attached the following file:
miker1264 attached the following image: