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Icon Tools

Last updated on 3 months ago
Posted 3 months ago
Hi miker, about changing Icon type, I don't know if you ever noticed, on Wandererer the icons are "Universal", basically an Icon automatically changes "the icon type" if it is associated with a file of different type.

Not only if for example you associate a Tool Icon with a Folder, the icon will automatically change to Folder Icon, the same icon if you rename it Disk.info, it will change to Disk Icon.
miker1264Software Dev
Posted 3 months ago


As far as I know for the Dual PNG Icons on AROS the icon type is not stored in the icOn chunk. But rather Icon Library uses several criteria to decide what type of icon it is such as if it is at the root of a volume named disk info or if it's associated with a drawer or if it is a project or tool icon with tool types stored in the icOn chunk.

So your observation about how Icon Library decides what type of icon is mostly correct. But the type of icon doesn't change. The type isn't stored. Only the criteria changes for the icon.

However the icon type is stored in Classic Amiga Icons in the disk object data. So that is a different situation.
miker1264Software Dev
Posted 3 months ago
BTW - I will be working on finishing Icon Builder and then continuing work on some other icon tools as well with a focus of making them Amiga Compatible for Cross Platform Applications. Icon Split cli is an example of that concept.

Recently I've been updating my picture viewers hoping to make them Amiga Compatible but until I come up with a working display method that will be on hold. Amiga 68k is not same as AROS.

I'll be releasing more window Themes and new Icons as well in the near future, God willing.

Theme Builder is also being worked on along with a few other projects. Stay tuned. Smile
Edited by miker1264 on 03-05-2024 13:50, 3 months ago
Amiwell79Distro Maintainer
Posted 3 months ago
many thanks Miker
Posted 3 months ago
Thanks miker, I will be happy to include your tools on the next AROS One.

Regarding Themes, do you think it is possible to get "Transparent" Themes like the Amistart bar ?
miker1264Software Dev
Posted 3 months ago


@AMIGASYSTEM - Thanks miker, I will be happy to include your tools on the next AROS One.

Regarding Themes, do you think it is possible to get "Transparent" Themes like the Amistart bar ?

Could you post a sample of what you mean by Transparent Theme?
Posted 3 months ago
I mean 2 types of transparency, one you can see it in my AROS One 68k video attached, look at the bar underneath of "WBDock", basically the bar takes the color of the background, same thing happens with Amistart on AROS One x86.


The other transparency is the one used by Win7, see screnshot
AMIGASYSTEM attached the following image:
miker1264Software Dev
Posted 3 months ago
The problem with transparency or even semi-transparency for window themes is that the PNG images for the theme are 24bit images. For Amiga OS4 and Amiga OS3 it's possible to have 32bit images for the pieces that make a theme.

If we could use 32bit images then maybe a transparent theme would be possible.
Edited by miker1264 on 03-05-2024 19:05, 3 months ago
Posted 3 months ago
If I understand correctly it is the Theme manager that does not support 32Bit Images, also because the images used in Themes are 32Bit
Posted 3 months ago

miker1264 wrote:

@miker1264 - The problem with transparency or even semi-transparency for window themes is that the PNG images for the theme are 24bit images. For Amiga OS4 and Amiga OS3 it's possible to have 32bit images for the pieces that make a theme.

If we could use 32bit images then maybe a transparent theme would be possible.

I Imagine that OS4 did use alpha for composition, but didn't knew Amiga OS 3 also used it.
miker1264Software Dev
Posted 3 months ago

If you go to amiga-look.org there is a theme pack for OS3.x Themes #2 for AfA OS. Download the theme pack then unpack the lha archive.

In the Tiffany themes in the 13 folder the close gadget is 32bit with alpha values.

Change .info extension to PNG to view the image. Rename as .info when finished.
Edited by miker1264 on 06-05-2024 11:58, 3 months ago
miker1264 attached the following image:
Posted 3 months ago
I know of AFA_OS, I just thought, or rather hoped there might be some other solution that provided also alpha! Thanks!
Posted 3 months ago

miker1264 wrote:

If we could use 32bit images then maybe a transparent theme would be possible.

Tried to convert images of some 32Bit Themes, but no transparency is visible, anyway on AROS x86 Amistart supports transparencies, while on AROS 68k transparencies are supported by WBDock !

AfA OS does not have Transparent Themes, it only has the Amistart Transparent bar like AROS.
miker1264Software Dev
Posted 3 months ago
The Tiffany Themes for AfA OS use 32bit Transparent Images.

They may also work with Amiga OS 3.5/3.9

They can be found on Amiga-Look.org
Edited by miker1264 on 06-05-2024 18:43, 3 months ago
miker1264 attached the following image:
Posted 3 months ago

miker1264 wrote:

@miker1264 - The Tiffany Themes for AfA OS use 32bit Transparent Images.

They may also work with Amiga OS 3.5/3.9

They can be found on Amiga-Look.org

My AfA One Distribution includes AfA OS, I am familiar with Amiga-Look.org, some time ago I was the one who reported it here !

On the Workbench the AfA OS themes are not transparent, the icons can become transparent when you drag them (Option you find on AfA_OS Prefs, see screenshot)

Basically if you change the background color the color of the Theme stays the same, AmiStart on the other hand changes color automatically !
AMIGASYSTEM attached the following image:
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