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AROS x86 - April 2024 monthly roundup

AROS x86 - April 2024 monthly roundup
AROS News is a periodic overview of the AROS scene by user retrofaza. In April 2024, although there was no new version of AROS for x86, there was still a lot going on.

Deadwood continues to work on a prototype x86 emulator for the 64-bit version of the system. We can also expect a cumulative patch package from him for the latest build in the near future. The AROS community is extremely active, and this is bearing fruit in the form of numerous ports and software updates. Thanks to the involvement of new users who have ported or updated older applications, AROS has gained a lot of new capabilities.

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amigamia 05/01/2024 858 0 comments 0 out of 0 ratings


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