AMIGASYSTEMDistro Maintainer Posted
4 months agoThen it's definitely the change I made to Zune Prefs, at the moment I don't remember the change I made, if I can with ZunePrefs I'll try to compare the OS4 setting with the 2.6 setting and try to find the differences!
Made the comparison and found no difference, however if from Zune Preferences I try to save "without modifying anything" global.prefs is saved with a smaller size.
Maybe this is due to the new core, in fact AROS One 2.5 and 2.6 have the same new core.
I can't really test it because I don't have that problem on any of my real or virtual PCs.
warelogixNewbie Posted
4 months agoYes, but it actually does not work only by saving the options, just tried that.
I have to overwrite the file with one of the preset configs.
AMIGASYSTEMDistro Maintainer Posted
4 months agoFrom your test, the culprit seems to be Zune global.prefs, maybe I made some improvements that your system doesn't like.
A test you could do is to boot the system slow, run Zune Prefs, make a small change and save.
Then after a reboot check if saving solves
warelogixNewbie Posted
4 months agoHi AMIGASYSTEM,
as I dont have 2.4 anymore I made another simple test.
Remade the USB Pen, booted from it and the same behavior again, everything sluggish and slow.
Then I followed the OS4 script inside the Theme folder:
SYS: Prefs/Themes/OS4
1 - C:Copy SYS: Prefs/Presets/Config-Apparence/OS4/theme.var to SYS: Prefs/Env-Archive/SYS/
Reboot cold. Same behaviour.
2 - C:Copy SYS: Prefs/Presets/Config-Zune/White/global.prefs to SYS: Prefs/Env-Archive/Zune/
Reboot cold. Problem solved! So it's the Zune global prefs that are causing the issue.
Thats why the problem was solved when I changed the theme using the OS4 script inside the themes folder.
I hope it helped.
Edited by warelogix on 22-09-2024 14:19,
4 months agowarelogixNewbie Posted
4 months agoOk no problem there I can do to those tests but need the 2.4 ISO to do so as I cleaned my previous install with the 2.6 the last time I did it.
AMIGASYSTEMDistro Maintainer Posted
4 months agoOk, since I can't simulate your problem, I would have liked you to do some tests to find out where the problem lies this to avoid the same problem also on AROS One 2.7, if you have the time to do this I thank you in advance
Since you can't restore the 2.6 theme because the script and preferences don't exist, you could do some tests on the Live Pendrive
The tests you should do are these are listed below 'one test at a time' so you can find the culprit
1) Replace global.prefs with that of AROS One 2.4
2) Replace Window Skins with the OS4 theme (Use ThemePrefs Application or Appearance)
3) Replace Pointer with that of OS4 theme
4) Replace Wanderer and Windows Backgrounds, those used by OS4 Theme) and save
5) Replace Prefs/Env-Archive/Zune/global.prefs with that of AROS One 2.4
Edited by AMIGASYSTEM on 21-09-2024 14:46,
4 months agowarelogixNewbie Posted
4 months agoYes I verified the file ("Prefs/Env-Archive/SYS/Wanderer/global.prefs) and rebooted more than once.
Anyway the problem is solved, I don't know why, but it is :-)
AMIGASYSTEMDistro Maintainer Posted
4 months agoChanged theme, only changed 'global.prefs', in addition to the window and background images, are you sure you replaced the correct global.prefs?
Try manually adding the same skin and backgrounds to wanderer and Window
warelogixNewbie Posted
4 months agoHi AMIGASYSTEM, tried both actions but it stayed the same.
BUT!!!! Changed the theme from the default to OS4 and voila.. everything solved!
What the..... go figure. Evething is fast now.
Edited by warelogix on 21-09-2024 11:40,
4 months agoAMIGASYSTEMDistro Maintainer Posted
4 months agowarelogix has anyone experienced graphical problems with Wanderer's "global.prefs" on both AROS One 2.5 and 2.6 !
Try replacing "global.prefs" take it from AROS One 2.4, the path "Prefs/Env-Archive/SYS/Wanderer/global.prefs
Also replace the file "i8042.hidd" with the one from AROS One 2.4, the one installed on AROS One 2.6 is obsolete, at high resolutions on some PCs it makes the mouse arrow disappear, path Devs/Drivers/i8042.hidd
After copying, reboot the system
warelogixNewbie Posted
4 months agoOk I am already using noacpi since v2.2, I will try also with noioapic and report. Thanks
Ok, I was thinking you may have a busy-looping program that eats up CPU, but if display is immediate, then this is not the case. If the slowdown is only related to video operations it might be a problem with interrupts.
Try adding 'noacpi' and 'noioapic' to grub command line options.
warelogixNewbie Posted
4 months agoHi Deadwood, it displays immediatelly, no slowdown, fast text.
For example, if I close, move or resize a window it only applies after 2 seconds. And Wanderer menus are slow but OWB internal menu is very fast. That's odd.
Edited by warelogix on 21-09-2024 10:41,
4 months agoTry going to shell (Amiga+W) and type tasklist. Does the list display immediatelly or is it slow to display?
warelogixNewbie Posted
4 months agoYes I did. it happens on every boot. It seems like acceleration is not working as menus also are slow and have
strange blocky shadows on them. I just reverted to 2.4 and it's fine. As soon as I boot 2.6 it happens again, either from
usb image (vhd) or installed on disk. Something changed.
AMIGASYSTEMDistro Maintainer Posted
4 months agoI don't have this slowdown with AROS One 2.6 on my Acer Aspire One ZG5 Netbook and Dell Inspiron Mini 910 with GMA 950 Video Card, have you updated I installed AROS One 2.6 from new installation?
Have you tried restarting AROS One, it happens to be slower on first start-up!