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AROS One Support, Tips And Requests

Last updated on 9 days ago
Posted 9 months ago
Smile Fantastico!
Posted 9 months ago
Congratulations on hte new release Smile Just to check - over the last week I've finally updated my machines using 2.5 lite; are there any addiitons or changes fo core system files in 2,5 full?

Posted 9 months ago
There have been some changes/improvements AROS structure one (see News list), some latest Deadwood fixes and some updated software.

It is quicker to install than to update, if there are no major core changes next time I will create an Installer Update!
Posted 9 months ago
I posted a small video announcing release of AROS ONE 2.5 with small preview ! I will post more videos later! https://youtu.be/...1A1IrDoQ0z
Posted 9 months ago
Sticking with 2.5 on my Samsung N130, I've been having a bit of a try out of the included software and have been hitting the occasional privelidge violation error.

This first happend with YAM when trying to click on an icon at the bottom of the read message window, but this wasn't consistent and to be honest YAM can be a bit unstable at the best of times.

However, I've found an occurance that seems to be reproduceable with DTConvertGUI. After starting, if you immediately hit 'cancel' you get the error attached below.


P.S. I'm currently not finding anything else that's ustable though, and this install defintely feels faster that than the old 2.2; due to the new C library? Anyway, aside from the odd issue as noted above looking great!

P.P.S. Spoke too soon - StackMon also gives an error (please see below).
Edited by ntromans on 01-06-2024 17:57, 9 months ago
ntromans attached the following image:
dtconvertgui_error.jpg stackmon_error.jpg
Posted 9 months ago
ntromans, I with AROS One v2.5 have no Guru with "DTConvertGU" and with "StackMon", see scrennshot !
You probably don't have "Authentic" AROS One v.25, surely you mixed system files from the old Core or software/libraries from old distributions.

Even with YAM I don't have any Guru I tried it for a few minutes, although I didn't understand which icon to click, take a screenshot

Install AROS One v2.5 "Clean" and then try running these applications again !

Edited by AMIGASYSTEM on 02-06-2024 03:02, 9 months ago
AMIGASYSTEM attached the following image:
Posted 9 months ago
Do not add any comments, this thread is dedicated solely and exclusively to the various AROS One distributions released over time and the various improvements, thank you.
If you want to ask for information, clarification or report problems with AROS One, you can do so in these threads:

AROS One Support, Tips And Requests
AROS Onx86 Work In Progress
AROS One 68k Work In Progress
Posted 9 months ago
Mixing files from distibutions? No - this is a clean, new install of 2.5 on a new hard-drive (the old one was full so I took it as an opportunity to replace it and start from scratch). I'm wondering if this is a CPU specific error - the Samsung runs an Intel Atom.

As to Yam, it's clicking on an icon for an attachment in the bottom of the read message window - please see attachment below for an exmple (the html file). As mentioned, this is very itermittent and I haven't identified the exact combination of actions which generate it.

ntromans attached the following image:
Posted 9 months ago
GHI did some Tests see screenshots, only once I received a Guru, other times I attached files and received no error, so it may be an internal YAM bug.

For "DTConvertGU" and "StackMon" no problem, I don't think it depends on your PC, as verification try them with AROS One "Live" from ISO or DVD on the same PC, if it works it means you have something incompatible in your system

Posted 9 months ago
Hi Amigasystem,
Firstly thanks for moving my posts detaiing the bugs - I was going to try to do that this lunchtime you've already done it! Sorry again for posting in the wrong place.

YAM's bugs are annoyingly intrmittent but can you forward an e-mail? For me selecting 'forward' always locks up YAM.

Booting from AROSOne 2.5 lite DVD - same crash with DTConvert GUI

StackMon has a new discovery - it's crashing when OWB is open; if not StackMon starts OK. Now, I've got he stack on OWB set to a massive value to try to stop it locking up when browsing (320000000 bytes) so possibly that large value is crashing StackMon?

Posted 9 months ago
As you can see from the screenshot I started 4 "OWB" and 4 "DTConvert GUI" without any problem !!!

How much RAM do you have on your PC ? have you checked that the RAM is good ?

For YAM unfortunately it is unstable, it happens that for no reason it crashes the system, or when you add an attachment, when you simultaneously use Wander with some other application.

AMIGASYSTEM attached the following image:
Posted 9 months ago
Ram is fine (no issues with any other program including Janus which I give a lot of memoery to) and I have 2GB of it.

The DTConvertGUI crash was not linked to OWB - this happends even if DTConvertGUI is the first and only thing started after boot. It was the StackMon error which only happended after OWB was started,

As mentioned, for at least the privilidge violation error (DTConvertGUI) I wonder if it's due to the CPU type on the netbook; it would be interesting to know if anyone else running an Intel Atom based machine has seen anything similar?

miker1264Software Dev
Posted 9 months ago
That looks like the DTConvert GUI that I developed. It is written to work with Gadtools UI. There is another one called DTConvert that is MUI/Zune. I didn't develop that one however.

It hasn't been fully tested so let me know if there's any odd behavior or if it doesn't work.
Posted 9 months ago
I confirm StackMon if it is open OWB goes into Guru !

I recompiled (GCC library C) StackMon on AROS One, now it seems not to go into Guru anymore, it happened only once after running StackMon many times in a row, I attach file, try it !
AMIGASYSTEM attached the following file:
stackmon.zip [19.29kB / 142 Downloads]
Posted 9 months ago
The new StackMon works for me (including with OWB open) - great work , many thanks:-)

Re, DTConvertGUI, from miker's reply maybe the error (at least for my machine) is actually in Gadtools? Woulld make sence as pretty much everything else is using Zune and works just fine.

Posted 9 months ago

After doing some testing with DTConvert GUI, I was able to replicate the Guru!

Basically if you click on the "Source File" tab, open the request file and choose undo without choosing any files, then do the same thing with "Destination", i.e. open request file and then click undo, at which point if you click convert the Guru appears.
deadwoodAROS Dev
Posted 9 months ago
For StackMon the problem is in program itself. Stack above 10000000 (8 digits) will cause the bug to manifest itself. Re-compilation will not help.

The fix most likely is to change line 206 in tasks.c - from [8] to [16]
Posted 9 months ago
I corrected from [8] to [16] works fine !

Question just to learn !

The MakeFile gave me an error when compiling because a path was not found, I made a small change and the copilation was successful, but I do not know if I did it right !

TARGET=../StackMon corrected to TARGET=StackMon

Yesterday in the compilation I had obtained a smaller executable because I had not used the MakeFile but I had used a string, maybe I needed to add a few more things ?, I had used this string

GCC main.c locale.c tasks.c timer.c mcc_RunningGauge.c -o StackMon
deadwoodAROS Dev
Posted 9 months ago
The change of TARGET should be ok - you will just get the executable in different directory. I can't answer the question of why the size differs between two compilation method, possible due to different settings. Add -O2 -g to your command line before -o StackMon and see if that makes the sizes same.
Posted 9 months ago
If I add '-O2 -g' the size is equal to MakeFile

GCC main.c locale.c task.c timer.c mcc_RunningGauge.c -o StackMon > 27,8 KB

GCC main.c locale.c task.c timer.c mcc_RunningGauge.c -O2 -g -o StackMon > 159 KB

MakeFile > 159 KB

Ok Thanks for the info that I may need in the future !
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