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AROS One x86 Work In Progress

Last updated on 5 days ago
magoriumSoftware Dev
Posted 12 months ago

Derek wrote:

I thought use the Install AROS Icon, and uncheck the format partition option, is this correct, to update the existing Aros One v2.1 without losing any data?

In principle, yes.

But realize that it depends on what you meant with "without losing any data".

Old existing files, icons, preference settings etc /might/ be overwritten by the new installation. In fact you would expect that to happen so that for example program x version 1.1 is overwritten by the new installation by program x version 2.0.

If it is regarding your own created files, then as long as they are not located in(side) any of the standard system directories you should be good to go.

Any personal customizations made to the system /might/ get lost.

It is exactly the same for any other OS upgrade/re-installation.

If you do not trust it, make a backup of/for all your important files that you want to keep safe before making any attempt to upgrade.

edit: pay close attention to the post below from AMIGASYSTEM (if even to circumvent remnants of a previous installation).
Edited by magorium on 27-10-2023 07:46, 12 months ago
Posted 12 months ago

AROS One v2.2 is not an update, AROS One 2.2 includes many changes, many configurations have been corrected and changed, even on the icons. also some applications and folders have been moved, so if you update you will get duplicate folders and duplicate applications (old and new).

My advice is to make a backup of your data, format the hard disk "from Wanderer", reboot with the AROS One v2.2 DVD/Pendrive and do a fresh installation, from InstallAROS choose "Use existing AROS partition".

If you have a different version of the icons in your system, in the folder "SYS:SystemAROS One" there are all the AROS One icon packages (2 types Install Icons Apps, 5 types Icons Disk, 4 types Icons Drawer), they are packages of hundreds of icons that you can install in a few seconds with one click, all the respective icons in your system will be replaced.
Posted 12 months ago
User James Mattson, has created a nice Video Tutorial on AROs One 2.2, showing some applications and new features of AROS One 2.2

DerekJunior Member
Posted 12 months ago

Thank you for the advice, I think I will employ the same process as updating a Linux distribution, by saving the user configuration files to a backup drive. Update the system and restore the personal settings.

This works unless the settings format changes,
Posted 11 months ago
AROS One x86 v2.2: Play Online MP3 on Site AmigaRemix

Posted 11 months ago
2 new games available on Aros-Archive, "Passcodes" network word guessing game, and the updated version of "Pagan Sacrifice".
Both games have been tested on AROS One, if you decide to install them on AROS One, I can create AROS One-style icons on request.

AMIGASYSTEM attached the following image:
Posted 11 months ago
Updated the new AROS One x86 v2.3 with 20210112- D01/D02, everything is working fine at the moment, and no regression found.

For the new version of AROS One I have completed the update of all logos with the new Symbol Smile

AMIGASYSTEM attached the following image:
Posted 11 months ago
iConecta v5.0, new version A little and easy program to test your Internet connection.
This program isn't one spyware, monitoring or keylogger malicious software only check if your computer is online or offline to avoid bad surprises browsing or downloading.
This is useful when you use a movilphone or wifi connection and you are writing an e-mail or writing a form and you give Send, without connection your work may be lost.

Also the program shows the time connected to Internet, in red when the program has connection or in black with your system hasn't connection.
This is useful if you want self-impose time limits to be of connect, the time showed is the time connection, if can be different to time to start due to

The program runs in a little window, with this feature you can run it on screencorners.

The tool is very easy to use with menu options.

Available in the next languages:
1.English. 2.Spanish. 3.French. 4.Italian. 5.German. 6. Polish.

This new version has the next improvements:
1. New enviroment with intro and bye.
2. The window program now is more little to run it in a screen corner.
3. Now the time connect is show in the program.
4. Added a new skin Danger.

AMIGASYSTEM attached the following image:
Posted 11 months ago
Installed Fract on AROS One, Fract Fract is a free, SDL based 3d rendering benchmark.Open-source PC Benchmark based on realtime software
rendering. It is designed to provide 100% unbiased results that really correspond to the raw performance of your CPU and system bus.

AMIGASYSTEM attached the following image:
Posted 11 months ago
I have changed the Default tool for OpenURL, it is now set to AmiFox, OWB when used as a tool by OpenURL returns a GURU, the GURU is motivated by the fact that OWB requires a high Stack (20000) to run, this stack cannot be configured on OpenURL.

AmiFox is not a true browser, as well as working well with OpenURL, it allows access to sites no longer supported by OWB.

AMIGASYSTEM attached the following image:
Posted 11 months ago
Installed on AROS One folder 'Extras/Video', and successfully tested on WMWare GLMark, an OpenGL 3D benchmark.

Now also GPMark SDL based Gp2x benchmark by Optimus can be found in the folder "Extras/Video".

Posted 11 months ago
Made a small change on AROS One, now SMB2-GUI will not only generate the DOSDrivers (SMB2), it will also be possible to Mount the share on Windows or other OS.

The DOSDrivers generated with SMB2-GUI will be saved by the programme in Storage/DOSDrivers, and that for later mounting will have to be done via a script or a link to its Icon, perhaps conveniently from Amistart or BoingIconBar.

I would like to remind you not to run SMB2 from Devs/DOSDrivers, from WBStratup or from User-Startup, otherwise the mount will fail, this is because SMB2 must be run after Wanderer has been started.

I would also like to remind you that on AROS One there are two condamental tools for this service in the ExtrasInternetSMB2 path:

- SMB2-Restart = serves to ReMount SMB2, when Windows deactivates "by default" after about 15 minutes "network shares"-.

- SMB2-DisMount = This tool serves to DisMount SMB2

AMIGASYSTEM attached the following image:
Posted 11 months ago
From the next version of AROS One, Dopus4 will use XAD library to handle most archives, all known Archive formats are supported such as LHA, LZX, ZIP, 7z, TAR.BZ2, TAR, TAR.GZ, TAR.Z, ZOO, RAR Archives version 4 and 5 will be unpacked from UnRAR as before.

I enclose a small easustive video where you can see how Dopus4 with a "Double Click" can examine the content of the Archives and with "M Click" unzip the archive to the predefined path on the second window of Dopu4
AMIGASYSTEM attached the following file:
xad-dopus4.zip [7.69MB / 227 Downloads]
Posted 11 months ago
In addition to PlayCDDA 1.6 also added PlayCDDA v1. 5, this version also works on VMware, and supports my own created buttons!

AMIGASYSTEM attached the following image:
Posted 11 months ago
Update ZuneARC, now uses the XAD library, supports the following formats: LHA, LZX, ZIP, 7z, TAR.BZ2, TAR, TAR.GZ, TAR.Z, ZOO, RAR4/5 Archives

In the video tutorial you can see for 'supported archives' how to add files to an archive, delete files from an archive, extract individual files or folders or the whole archive Smile

Posted 11 months ago
In AROS One v2.3 there will be some new features, three new folders "Benchmarks", "DemoEffects" and "DemoScene" that will include software that I found on Archives, Aminet and some Developer sites.

In "DemoEffects" you will find 40 good quality demos from the Italian developer "Calogiuri Enzo Antonio", see screnshot !

Posted 11 months ago
Create the Icons for the 40 Demo Effects that you will find in AROS One v2.3 path Extras:DemoEffect !

AMIGASYSTEM attached the following image:
Posted 10 months ago
Updated "Omanko" with new version 1.20 , Omanko is web tool made to get the MD5 and CRC32 checksums !

AMIGASYSTEM attached the following image:
Posted 10 months ago
Having completed all Datatypes Descriptors, AROS One now recognises TIF, WEBP and PPM images.

All Image File Types in the Icon Tooltype have the tool "LoView", excluding TIF images because TIFF Datatypes do not yet exist on AROS.

For TIFF images I have used the tool "VindentiumPicta" in the tooltype, but the image must be dragged to the "VindentiumPicta" window because this programme cannot be associated, hopefully "Juan Carlos" will add this function to his programmes.
Edited by AMIGASYSTEM on 03-12-2023 05:49, 10 months ago
retrofaza, amigamia, aha
AMIGASYSTEM attached the following image:
Posted 10 months ago
Two more new descriptors for AROS One, these are "XBM" (X BitMap) and "XPM" (X PixMap), both formats are not handled graphically by Multiview but are well managed by LoView!

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