Amiwell79, ignore SSL errors you can disable it and Youtube still works.
To fix "ignore SSL errors", you have to copy the file "ca-bundle.crt" (with this name), into the path "SYS:Prefs/Env-Archive/SYS/Certificates".
Also, if you have saved the preferences, you have to delete the old preferences, path SYS:Prefs/Env-Archive/Zune the files are "OWB.1.prefs" and "OWB.config".
this image can be seen better, however I do not have access to all sites except the unprotected ones, if I check the ignore ssl errors box everything works
Salvo I simulated your error, you should solve it like this:
- Start OWB
- Go to OWB Preferences
- Delete the path, leave blank and Save
- Reboot the system
- Start OWB
- Add the Certificates file (Do not write it by hand, but choose it from request file)
If the ca-bundle.crt file is in the OWB folder, in OWB preferences just add ca-bundle.crt "without path" and everything works perfectly
If it doesn't work use this attached certificate !
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