As the topic suggests, I'm looking how to contact the person administering the AROS hardware list. If you know how to contact him/her let me know.
Thanks, not a problem, I do not have any objections. The good point of the wiki in my mind is that it can continue even if other sites are not around (well as long as wiki#? exists), rather like AROS in the Amiga world.
There is a small section of laptop recommends at the top of the laptop section (would it be like that?)
I know the rest of that section could come over a bit too negative, so if anyone wants to rewrite that they can
With desktops, it becomes easier to swap items in/out so becomes harder to recommend.
Thanks for pointing to the section in laptop group. I'm thinking about something similar, but with more precise model selection for complete systems. For "desktops", I'm only thinking about selecting motherboard.
Generally I find this page is great for answering this question: I have hardware ****. Will it work with AROS? What I'm thinking with recommended hardware section is answering this question: I don't want to experiment. Give a choice of hardware that will work today.
Size-wise, I'm thinking about at 1-5 motherboards and 1-10 complete systems (laptops or desktops). It all depends on what hardware people can test with each release and confirm the compatibility.
That's right, I inherited the scheme from the previous people editing it. Yellow is a may work, ie Vesa where you get 2d non accelerated. Some people see fully 2d and 3d as working (ie green). Gray is for hardware not existing usually. The white gaps are where some tests were not completed and need to update (after this time span unlikely though).
It also helps understand what era is right for AROS support and what new hardware support may come along.
This can all change if people want it to have a different layout