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AROS ABIv0 20211128

Last updated on 7 months ago
deadwoodAROS Dev
Posted 9 months ago

It looks like you are using 64-bit build. What computer are you trying this on?
deadwoodAROS Dev
Posted 9 months ago

Thanks for listing your hardware and support level.

For Netbook ACER Aspire One ZG5 and Netbook Dell Inspiron Mini 910 can you test whether LAN is working under AROS.

For Netbook ACER Aspire One ZG5, is WiFi working out of the box or did you have to change the WiFi card?
Amiwell79Distro Maintainer
Posted 9 months ago

deadwood wrote:

@deadwood - @Amiwell79

It looks like you are using 64-bit build. What computer are you trying this on?

i have an hp Z400 I tried to install the build "ata.device" and it only works that grub does not recognize windows, I have to test well extras app
Posted 9 months ago
On the Netbook ACER Aspire One ZG5, I have not changed anything, now I will try to do some tests the LAN Network Card should be "Realtek RTL8102E" and from what is stated in this link it should be supported !


About the Dell Inspiron Mini 910 it should have the same "Realtek RTL8102E" Network Card that the ACER Aspire One ZG5 has, will also test this with the same live Pendrive
Posted 9 months ago
I confirm that the "Lan Network" works well on both "ACER Aspire One ZG5" and "Dell Inspiron Mini 910", both have a "Realtek RTL8102E" card,

I would say that the Network is also quite fast, the programme "AmiDream" (Artificial Intelligence), generated an Image in a few seconds Smile
deadwoodAROS Dev
Posted 9 months ago



For clarity, I asked to test the 64-bit build only in specific case of ACER 5290. For other hardware, please continue testing the 20211128-D05 32-bit build.
Posted 9 months ago
I am running on qemu, after installed all I did was to change the icontrol preferences from
menu>look>3d to menu>look>classic

it then no longer booted on true color vesa 1280x1024 , and on true color vesa 1024x768 it gave me this

after i went back, copy envarc over and it then runs as before
Edited by pixie on 05-11-2023 05:36, 9 months ago
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Posted 9 months ago
With icontrol preferences and menu>look>3d to menu>look>classic with VMware i have no GURU, but I have noticed that there is no graphical difference between "look>classic" and look>3d, this was also the case with all the old Builds!
deadwoodAROS Dev
Posted 9 months ago
Hmm, isn't it the case that to see difference between classic and 3d you need to disable decorations?
Posted 9 months ago

deadwood wrote:

@deadwood - Hmm, isn't it the case that to see difference between classic and 3d you need to disable decorations?

OK thanks, I never noticed Smile
Amiwell79Distro Maintainer
Posted 9 months ago

deadwood wrote:

@deadwood - @AMIGASYSTEM



For clarity, I asked to test the 64-bit build only in specific case of ACER 5290. For other hardware, please continue testing the 20211128-D05 32-bit build.

ok deadwood
Amiwell79Distro Maintainer
Posted 9 months ago
D05 Build works fine on my HP Z400 vesa and native, networks and system app all ok
deadwoodAROS Dev
Posted 9 months ago
Ok, thank you for testing
Amiwell79Distro Maintainer
Posted 9 months ago

deadwood wrote:

@deadwood - Ok, thank you for testing

Posted 9 months ago

deadwood wrote:

Worth noting there are more fixes to Wanderer. @AMIGASYSTEM please check if this bug is resolved https://github.com/deadw00d/AROS/issues/47

After doing some checking, that Bug reported in the attached link seems to have already been fixed on your previous Build '20201110-2'.
I will have to do some more verifications if other Bugs have been fixed!
deadwoodAROS Dev
Posted 9 months ago
Ok, let me know if other bug reports can be closed as well.
Posted 9 months ago
Yes I will check all bug reports and let you know, in the meantime you can close the report 'LoView cannot be used as a tool on AROS while it works on OS3'.


This is not a real bug, in practice in the AROS x86 version, there is a shortcut, instead of using the principate binary "LoveView" as is the case on OS3, you have to use the binary "LVDTL" (see screenshot), done this the associations on any graphic file will work, also the Slideshow and other functions of the program will be working.
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Posted 9 months ago
Bug 'Errors while moving files to Storage or WBStartup #100',

With Build D5, regarding the reported Bug I add some more Wanderer bugs (With Dopus4 no problem)

On AROS One x86 it improves something, you can drag and drop a file also in the WBStartup, but another bug is added, with DualPNG Icons, if you drag a file to a Folder, the file is copied to the root of the disk !!!

The same problem also exists on the latest 'AROS-ABV1' build tested, but no problem with the DualPNG icons, the dragged files are copied to the chosen folder!

The 2 attached videos will help to better understand what has been observed on D5:
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Posted 9 months ago

deadwood wrote:

@deadwood - Hmm, isn't it the case that to see difference between classic and 3d you need to disable decorations?

It doesn't happen on x64 build, but as AmigaSystem said it doesn't change, where do I disable decorations?~

Edit: I find it on AROS/Docs that it is a command that starts on on startup-sequence and that I can turn it off. What I am missing is that you can either have new menus and decoration, or nothing at all, I cannot have old menus and new windows. Perhaps I am missing something here... I'll try to see if there's a way to do it on themes.
Edited by pixie on 06-11-2023 04:06, 9 months ago
Posted 9 months ago

pixie wrote:

where do I disable decorations?~

In reality, nothing needs to be changed Startu-sequence !

- Appearance Prefs = Uncheck "Disable Themings".
- Create an empty text file called "Arosdefault".
- Copy the file "Arosdefault" to the path SYS:Prefs/Presets/Themes:

Restart AROS
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Users who participated in discussion: amigamia, deadwood, AMIGASYSTEM, pixie, retrofaza, Amiwell79, G-linx, OlafSch, d0wz
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