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Development General

Development General
1867 posts | Last Activity on 27-07-2024 02:16 by deadwood
deadwood 27-07-2024 02:16, 43 minutes ago
Re: Development Plan
Hello, Quick update: 1) Release 64-bit version of Odyssey Web Browser for AROS, Linux and Windows [b][IN PROGRESS][/b] 2) Implement first prototype of 32-bit-under-64-bit emulator for AROS [b][DONE][/b] 3) Release new version of ABIv0 refreshed to 20221221 codebase Work on 64-bit version of Odyssey as well as AxRuntime is progressing well. The browser is becoming more stable and as a notable development, clipboard sharing has been added to AxRuntime so now it is possible to Copy-Paste between for example Odyssey and Linux/Windows programs. The long term horizon stays unchanged: "On a longer horizon, there will be a lot of work related to ABIv0 and AxRuntime. I want to update ABIv0 to be based on latest ABIv11 source code. This will be an enabler to: 1) develop an emulator that will allow running AROS 32-bit programs under 64-bit AROS. 2) develop a version of AxRuntime that is capable of running ABIv0 32-bit programs on top of Linux and Windows Furthermore, ABIv11 64-bit native will be fixed to provide the same level of hardware compatibility on recommended hardware as current ABIv0 32-bit. On AxRuntime side, the goal will be to develop a working window manager (IntuitionWM) and Linux-native desktop, most likely in form of Scalos. Once all these things are in place, there will be two development lines available: For people preferring native AROS we will have ability to use majority the existing 32-bit software base on 64-bit AROS and native 64-bit system working on recommended hardware, which then is an enabler for creation of 64-bit distributions that match current 32-bit distributions in user experience. For people interested in AxRuntime route we will have a Linux-native desktop and ability to run majority of AROS ABIv0 programs (32-bit), AROS ABIv11 programs (64-bit) and AxRuntime-recompiled programs (64-bit). This way existing distributions could be re-created using Linux as a base without loosing existing functionality for users."
Responded in Development Plan
deadwood 27-07-2024 02:12, 47 minutes ago
Re: Odyssey Web Browser 32-bit
Hi, Here is an updated version: [url]https://axrt.org/development/owb/i386/OWB.202407027.zip[/url] You will also need to update two libraries (assuming you alredy have 20220318-1-U1): [url]https://axrt.org/development/owb/i386/crt.library.20240727.zip[/url] [url]https://axrt.org/development/owb/i386/muimaster.library.20240727.zip[/url] Changes: - fixed memory corruption in bookmarks window - fixed memory corruption when using quick links - fixed memory corruption in downloads window - resuming on aborted/failed download should now work For now please report browser functionality that does not work as intended/crashes or web pages that crash browser. Please DO NOT report web pages that render wrong (there was no engine update)
deadwood 27-07-2024 02:05, 54 minutes ago
Re: Odyssey Web Browser 32-bit
Hello, I'm opening this thread to track developments and issues with 32-bit (ABIv0) version of Odyssey.
deadwood 24-07-2024 09:44, 3 days ago
Re: Irritating bug of the month - July 2024
Ok, as there are no more test reports for this bug, I'm closing the issues and July's IBOTM :)
AMIGASYSTEM 21-07-2024 17:35, 5 days ago
Re: Irritating bug of the month - July 2024
Perfect Deadwood with the bug fix #25 #26 Wanderer is now much more functional, thanks for the great work!
Amiwell79 21-07-2024 11:07, 6 days ago
Re: Irritating bug of the month - July 2024
thank you Deadwood
deadwood 21-07-2024 09:38, 6 days ago
Re: Irritating bug of the month - July 2024
Hello, Here is test build of Wanderer solving issue #25 https://axrt.org/development/Wanderer.20240721.i386-aros.zip It should solve all three issues: open, putaway and ghost icons multiplying when deleting (delete was never a valid option of leftout icon). In essense this also solves #26 (https://github.com/deadwood2/AROS/issues/26) Let me know how it works for you.
Amiwell79 21-07-2024 00:46, 6 days ago
Re: But ffmpeg works?
it does not support fie mp4 maybe it is too old a version anyway from sheel it crashes it does not go on maybe a stack issue, if I start the conversion from wanderer it seems to work
Responded in But ffmpeg works?
Amiwell79 20-07-2024 10:07, 7 days ago
Re: Aros Software Promotion
ok thank you templario:)
Templario 20-07-2024 08:35, 7 days ago
Re: Aros Software Promotion
Only one little text, for the the distros, if you want my programs and games and their keyfiles, only you write me to asking it, they is free, because I prefer offer the keyfile free in these cases instead of offer my open software for the benefit of some cover CDs sellers.
Amiwell79 20-07-2024 06:01, 7 days ago
Re: But ffmpeg works?
hello to all i don't know if this tool works because i was thinking of making a gui for video conversion thanks to those who will try it
Responded in But ffmpeg works?
Amiwell79 20-07-2024 05:57, 7 days ago
Re: Aros Software Promotion
currently my resources will be used for wayfarer porting even though I am comfortable with odyssey
Amiwell79 20-07-2024 05:52, 7 days ago
Re: Aros Software Promotion
hello to all on my site there are some references to programmers who have helped me in the development of some software that I consider essential for aros thanks to those who will collaborate
pikewerfer 17-07-2024 07:41, 10 days ago
Re: Irritating bug of the month - July 2024
Voted for the mouse pointer. It currently makes it impossible for me to use AROS. Bugger.
deadwood 13-07-2024 08:54, 14 days ago
Re: AxRuntime
Hi, Just wanted to share that AxRuntime has been noticed by editor of osnews.com [url]https://www.osnews.com/story/140225/package-amigaos-software-for-linux-and-windows-with-axruntime/[/url]
Responded in AxRuntime
Farox 04-07-2024 17:29, 22 days ago
Re: Undefined Symbols when linking
Thanks i'll take a look. :)
deadwood 04-07-2024 05:11, 23 days ago
Re: Undefined Symbols when linking
@Farox If I remember correctly those functions don't come from a link-library, but come from a "header". Essentially in every .c file that uses these functions, you need to [code] #include <proto/socket.h> [/code] Also, you need to manually open bsdsocket.library in your code - unlike other libraries, this one is not auto-opened. Please see this code for example: [url]https://github.com/deadwood2/contrib/blob/master/Networking/Apps/wget/src/main.c#L714[/url]
Amiwell79 03-07-2024 17:27, 23 days ago
Re: Undefined Symbols when linking
Thank you for your effort:)
Farox 03-07-2024 16:55, 23 days ago
Re: Undefined Symbols when linking
Hello I found a good game to port, it's a Real Time Strategy game..after some changes i have code that compiles...but i have some trouble at linking. The game uses Socket and after many hours of searching i found all the missing things in #include <clib/bsdsocket_protos.h> the game needs : select() setsockopt ::getsockname and many others. Now code compile fine without errors but at linking...i have: [quote]There are undefined symbols in 'AROS_debug/ht': U setsockopt(int, int, int, void*, unsigned int) U WaitSelect(int, fd_set*, fd_set*, fd_set*, timeval*, unsigned int*) U getpeername(int, sockaddr*, unsigned int*) U getsockname(int, sockaddr*, unsigned int*) U bind(int, sockaddr*, unsigned int) U recv(int, void*, int, int) U send(int, void const*, int, int) U accept(int, sockaddr*, unsigned int*) U listen(int, int) U sendto(int, void const*, int, int, sockaddr const*, unsigned int) U socket(int, int, int) U connect(int, sockaddr*, unsigned int) U recvfrom(int, void*, int, int, sockaddr*, unsigned int*) makefile.aros:97: recipe for target 'AROS_debug/ht' failed make: *** [AROS_debug/ht] Error 1 [/quote] Actually i link only with LIBS = -lnet -lSDL On Linux only SDL is necessary. Where i can find the missing symbols...in what library? Thanks
Amiwell79 01-07-2024 04:50, 26 days ago
Re: Irritating bug of the month - July 2024
Deadwood there is a small problem with zuneview the same problem had zunepaint but it has been solved can something be done about it there is no hurry
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