I will use this thread to update you on the progress of prototype of this emulator.
Right now there is nothing yet to see, but first major hurdles have been cleared:
1) 32-bit test binary (of Tools/Calculator) is loaded and relocated under 64-bit AROS
2) 32-bit emulation mode is enabled in CPU and several lines of 32-bit code has been executed
3) Kernel of 64-bit Linux-hosted AROS has been modified to allow correctly task-switching between processes running 32-bit and 64-bit code
Edited by deadwood on 07-03-2024 07:32, 12 months ago
@miker1264 - That's great news. So now it may be possible to run 32bit apps on AROS x86-64 without re-compiling them. Nice!
The emulator is still a looong way from being usable, but yes - that's the goal. To enable migration to 64-bit with being able to use a large portion of current 32-bit programs.
Another AROS milestone soon to be achived,the excitement continues... The state of AROS is Strong and continues to grow in big way.Congratulations on what has been achived so far!
I think pixie means something like "Petunia on OS 4.1" or like on MorpOS, where you can run 68k binaries directly, a kind of emulator built into the system.
On AROS there are Janus-UAE and E-UAE but they do not allow you to run a 68k binary directly.
On IcaroOS there is AmiBridge, which does more or less this job, but has a complex procedure !
The MOS method seems to me the best where you can run a binary directly, without configuring anything, that of OS 4.1 is less compatible.
JanusUAE, surely is the best 68k Emulator in the Amiga world, it would be enough to integrate it into the system, also the AROS E-UAE version seems to be further ahead than the versions used by MOS and OS4.
There would also be FS-UAE "Multiplatform" which after WinUAE is a very good Emulator that could be integrated if this were possible.
@AMIGASYSTEM - I think pixie means something like "Petunia on OS 4.1" or like on MorpOS, where you can run 68k binaries directly, a kind of emulator built into the system.
Yes something like this, or like AxRuntime. I think the most important thing would be that both systems could use the same ui, file requesters... (like it is being targeted for AxRuntime). As for how JanusUAE/AmiBridge work I'll be sincere, I haven't seen it working yet.
Would it be possible to build a 68k version that articulated better with the 'server', so at least one wouldn't see windows inside windows...
Edited by pixie on 08-03-2024 14:09, 12 months ago
the optimal emulation on aros as far as software for 68k is concerned is to launch the emulator as a new instance in a dedicated window, it would be great to have an emulator like petunia and trance in the respective OS4 and MorphOS
No it doesn't fit in a dedicated window, with an annoying second mouse arrow, this is already done by Janus-UAE, the 68k should be integrated and applications should open on Wanderer in the same way as x86.
Petunia on OS4.1 does not work well, most of the tested Applications, to me almost never worked !
First visual effects of the emulator. A simplest hello-world program compiled under ABIv0 is now loaded, executed and unloaded under 64-bit AROS. See screenshot.
It's good progress considering the short amount of time. Next objective is to start loading and using 32-bit libraries - any software more complex that this example needs to be able to use libraries.
For anyone interested, here is the code of minimal program:
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