I haven't been very productive lately. I recently hurt my back again. It requires lots of pain medication, lidocaine patches, smelly ointment and electric heating pads. It's not much fun!
Other than health issues, family time, and working two jobs I might actually get something done. Hopefully I can do some programming again within a week.
I've been watching some videos about the early days of computers such as the IBM 5150 & 5170 as well as the IBM PC AT/XT. I was also watching one about the early days of the Amiga 1000 with the Loraine prototype with all the breadboards.
Interesting fact, one of the early "super computers" had 16MB RAM with a 10Mhz CPU. It could do 8 MIPs. Nowadays the Pi 3A+ on my PiStorm32 in my Amiga 1200 can do 800 MIPs.
Good news! I have fully recovered. I should take better care of myself. I'm not as young as I was. I'm almost 60 now. :-)
Anyhow, I've decided to get back into AROS programming by updating the many functions of my Small Scale Picture Viewer. It will be used as the basis for Picture-IT which is a simple picture converter with some additional functionality.
Ok miker, I am 70 and I too have no shortage of problems, unfortunately some discomfort appears now and then, good thing they are not serious problems at the moment, but when age advances the risks are behind the door !
PixieView is almost ready. It was a test program I was using several years ago to test picture Datatypes. Somewhere along the way it turned into a picture viewer/converter with extras. So I had to suppress the test messages and make sure all the menu items are working.
In the screenshot I'm testing Grayscale & Sepia on the Effects Menu. After performing a color change operation if you want to go back to the original picture go to Picture Menu then choose "Orig Picture". The original picture will appear. Also, after making changes, if you wish to save the modified image, go to Picture > Save Picture. It will only save as PNG.
In the screenshot on the left is the original 24bit color image. On the top right is grayscale. On the bottom is the Sepia tone image. It's working!
I'm currently adding Save As HAM to save HAM6 and HAM8 images converted from 24bit images. It's about 2,000 lines of code so it will be another day at least till I can post this version.
Edited by miker1264 on 26-11-2024 09:45, 3 months ago
After a few days of hard work I can now post the current version of PixieView which is a Lightweight Picture Viewer/Converter similar to MultiView in some ways. It uses Datatypes.
To open picture files you have to click the icon each time to get a file requester. After making adjustments or color changes you can use Picture > Orig Picture to restore the picture. After making changes use Picture > Save Picture.
There are still some minor issues such as fringing on the image edges when rotating or depth issues when applying Grayscale/Sepia to 8bit or 32bit images. Convert to 24bit first then it's ok. Some items with disabled menu items are not working or not yet implemented. Save As HAM will be available by the end of this week. So this is a sneak peek at the PixieView Program. :-)
I included the AROS x86 version & some sample picture files. Make sure you have the newest picture Datatypes loaded so that Save As & Convert functions work correctly to save picture files.
Edited by miker1264 on 26-11-2024 13:08, 3 months ago
miker I have tested PixieView and noticed that the image "Anno1404_32.png" if you try to add Sepia effect or Greyscale effect the system crashes, with Color Revers the graphic gets corrupted, if I try to convert it to the supported formats it saves a corrupted file.
With lena_color.bmp and Clown.png no problems found!
@AMIGASYSTEM - miker I have tested PixieView and noticed that the image "Anno1404_32.png" if you try to add Sepia effect or Greyscale effect the system crashes, with Color Revers the graphic gets corrupted, if I try to convert it to the supported formats it saves a corrupted file.
With lena_color.bmp and Clown.png no problems found!
Thank you.
The program doesn't fully support adjustments or color changes for 8bit or 32bit images. But if you go to the Convert Menu & convert 32bit to 24bit then use that PNG file then Greyscale/Sepia & color changes should work. I'm working on correcting that issue.
I tested the Anno1404_32.png file with all the items on the Convert Menu & the Project Menu. For the convert menu items there are safeguards to ensure we don't try to convert 32bit to GIF or JPG or PNM or PCX. GIF only supports up to 8bit. JPG & BMP & PNM & PCX only support up to 24bit. So the convert menu items work as expected. On the Project Menu Save As for 32bit PNG works because it merely saves the current file as a new filename without changing it. Save As HAM only supports up to 24bit but it isn't implemented. Save As PNG works for 32bit. But Save As IFF does something interesting.
This program is many years old & it was used for testing. Seven or eight years ago I was testing whether I could save IFF-ILBM with 32 bitplanes. In the EA-85 documentation it describes the 32bit ILBM file format. But it says that it's an obscure format that most ILBM readers won't recognize. Traditionally ILBM only goes up to IFF24 aka Deep Images with 24 bitplanes. The IFF file that is saved with Save As IFF from a 32bit PNG is actually a perfectly valid file. But ILBM Datatype doesn't recognize it. So I should just limit ILBM to only support up to 24 bitplanes.
I will have a new version ready by end of this week that addresses these issues.
Edited by miker1264 on 26-11-2024 23:35, 3 months ago
The PixieView Program Updates are almost finished. But there is room for improvements.
I've developed the concept of "Color Shift" that is different from a Hue Rotation. Color Shift on the Colors Menu will use a numeric requester for values from 0 to 360 degrees on the color wheel.
Whereas a Hue Rotation using HSL only applies the same Hue Change to all pixels Color Shift behaves differently. The RGB color channels each have a different intensity. When combined they make a color image. Even Greyscale uses the weighted averages to increase the intensity of the resulting image. Color Shift increases the color intensity while changing the Hue values.
Color Shift uses baseline hue values to apply a conversion "formula" to each pixel to predict the new hue values. For example when shift a mostly red image to blue we first find the highest red hue which may be 357 for example. We add 245 to get to the blue sector of the color wheel. Because HSL works with 0-360 degrees we have 357+245=602 but to keep it in range we have to subtract 602-360=242. So the baseline red is 357. The baseline blue is 242. For each pixel we apply the conversion formula. If we have a HSL pixel that is 9,27,68 The hue value 9 is 3+9=12 away from 357. So we subtract 12 from 242 which is 230. The new HSL pixel is 230,27,68. The saturation & luminance values remain the same for each pixel. The result of the color Shift toward blue is a blue image that has increased intensity that a simple hue rotation can't do.
So far I have a menu item on the Colors Menu but I haven't written the Color Shift function.
The Greyscale & Sepia Effects now work correctly for 8bit, 24bit & 32bit images. Color Change Operations to Reverse Pixels also work for these bit depths.
Edited by miker1264 on 28-11-2024 12:37, 3 months ago
The PixieView program can do Greyscale & Sepia for 8bit, 24bit & 32bit images.
miker1264 attached the following image:
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