I try to get Regina working in Aros 68k. i have copyied rexxmast and regina.library from contrib but If i use RX i only get (after some time) it tried to start rexxmast but there is no interpreter installed. i have copyied rexxmast in C and regina.library in LIBS
is anything else needed to get it working? For example assigns i do not know?
Edited by OlafSch on 02-11-2023 11:33,
1 year agoI tried that on my 64-bit branch and all it took was copying regina.library to LIBS: and RexxMast to C: to get RX to respond correctly.
I just tested latest nightly from your webpage (20230717) and used files from contrib (20231016), all 68k, and put in rexxmast in C and regina.library in LIBS then it not booted correctly and there was a error Program failed. Illegal instruction. Wait for disk activity". So at least on 68k something obviously not works. It would be great if you look at it.
AMIGASYSTEMDistro MaintainerPosted
1 year agoOlafSch, which programme did you run that does not work?
it is better now. It boots without error
I can also use RX without error but if i try the demo files included in regina (contrib) nothing happens. no error but also no outpur
I'm not familiar with AREXX/Regina. Is there a particular script that you know how it should behave (for example tested under OS3.1) that I can use for reference?
this for example. Just tested on 3.1
this for example. Just tested on 3.1
OlafSch attached the following file:
Thanks, can you also attach output of that script or a screen shot of what it should show when executed?
AMIGASYSTEMDistro MaintainerPosted
1 year agodeadwood, on your Bulit 68k the Arexx script does not work, it seems that the Arexx Port is not started.
I noticed another problem, with my WinUAE configuration that I use on all my AROS One 68k (CPU 060+FPU+JIT), I get a GURU on the Cooprocessor, see screenshot
The GURU disappears if I update the libraries with those of "your" included in the "Contrib" archive
AMIGASYSTEM attached the following image:
would be nice if you could look at the regina problem. Thanks in advance
I will, but like I mentioned it is probably a structural problem with new C library and it will need more time to resolve.