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AROS ABIv0 20211128

Last updated on 7 months ago
Posted 8 months ago
deadwood, if possible, could you implement Audio CD recognition on Wanderer?
On ABIv1 the Audio CD is supported, see screenshot, ABIv0 instead shows a small grey icon as shown HERE.
deadwoodAROS Dev
Posted 8 months ago
First, try the 64-bit alpha-6 if it detects. If not, then this is first place where it will appear once I get to synchronize the code bases.
Posted 8 months ago
Even on the 64-bit alpha-6 buld, the def_icons is not detected!

For the Audio CD Wanderer prefers the def "def_NDosCDRom.info" if this icon is not found it uses the def "def_CDROM.info" instead.

If these "def_NDosCDRom.info" and "def_CDROM.info" are not present in the system, the small grey icon will be shown.

Ideally, as on OS3, it would be more correct for it to detect a specific def_icon for CDAudio, and perhaps also the ability to see the tracks on the CD as AsimCDFS does, see screenhot !
Edited by AMIGASYSTEM on 17-11-2023 12:43, 8 months ago
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deadwoodAROS Dev
Posted 8 months ago
Then we have to wait for next synchronization to pull these change into my repository.
deadwoodAROS Dev
Posted 8 months ago

pixie wrote:

@pixie - I am running on qemu, after installed all I did was to change the icontrol preferences from
menu>look>3d to menu>look>classic

it then no longer booted on true color vesa 1280x1024 , and on true color vesa 1024x768 it gave me this

after i went back, copy envarc over and it then runs as before

I'm not able to reproduce this problem. I tried the sequence you mentioned in QEMU, VBox and AROS Linux hosted and in each case there was not crash after change->SAVE->reboot
deadwoodAROS Dev
Posted 8 months ago
Hi All,

An update from me on the release. We are currently down to 8 bugs that need to be resolved or accepted. You can find the list of bugs here:


The other topic happening in parallel is the list of recommended hardware. One bugs and hardware topics are closed, the release will be ready.
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deadwoodAROS Dev
Posted 8 months ago

New patch:


Improvement to detection of FAT partitions on pen drives
Fix for #110 in regina.library

rexx scripts from arexx_test and demo directory should no longer crash. If they do, please let me know and describe the steps to reproduce.
Posted 8 months ago
Thank you, as soon as possible I will do the tests and let you know if everything works!

Which default tool should I use for Regina's arexx_tests and demos
deadwoodAROS Dev
Posted 8 months ago
I did tests from shell with "rx <script>"
Posted 8 months ago
Tested the Regina demos also from Icon and it seems to work fine see screenshot

Regina is an Italian word:

English -> King and Queen
Italian -> Re e Regina
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deadwoodAROS Dev
Posted 8 months ago
Thanks for confirmation
deadwoodAROS Dev
Posted 8 months ago


On AROS One x86 it improves something, you can drag and drop a file also in the WBStartup, but another bug is added, with DualPNG Icons, if you drag a file to a Folder, the file is copied to the root of the disk !!!

The same problem also exists on the latest 'AROS-ABV1' build tested, but no problem with the DualPNG icons, the dragged files are copied to the chosen folder!

The 2 attached videos will help to better understand what has been observed on D5:

Please try this version of SFS


The error with "object already in use" when moving should be fixed now. The second problem, with file not being put into directory but directly on root of disk I could not reproduce.
Posted 8 months ago
Perfect, the two problems shown in the video seem to have been solved!

There is however a third problem, if you drag (Move) a file that is 'already present' in the folder, it cannot be copied, see error in the screenshot !
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deadwoodAROS Dev
Posted 8 months ago
Ok, thanks.

As for third issue you mentioned - that's how moving is implemented right now. You cannot move file into a directory if same file is already there. There is no code to ask for overwrite of existing file when moving.
Posted 8 months ago

deadwood wrote:

@deadwood - Ok, thanks.

As for third issue you mentioned - that's how moving is implemented right now. You cannot move file into a directory if same file is already there. There is no code to ask for overwrite of existing file when moving.

Ok I confirm, it seems to be a Filesystem restriction also tested on OS3, the restriction is present on both SFS and FFS, I have not tested PFS.

However there are 3 methods to get around the problem:

1) Copy the file to a "Different Volume", in this case if you drag the file it will be overwritten
2) On Wanderer Prefs Set "Copy" instead of "Move"
3) Move/Copy the File from Dopus4
deadwoodAROS Dev
Posted 8 months ago
Correct. Or just delete the file in target directory and then move the source file. Smile
Posted 8 months ago
Yes I used that method too, there is also a fourth method, renaming the source file and then delete it Smile
deadwoodAROS Dev
Posted 8 months ago
Here is patch 3:


  • Fix for #100 in sfs-handler
  • Fix for #64 in workbench.library

And we are down to two bugs!
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Amiwell79Distro Maintainer
Posted 8 months ago
my native system whit all patch works fine deadwood
Posted 8 months ago
deadwood, AROS-20211128-D06 does not start on ACER ASpire 5920, also tried noacpi I get a black screen !
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Users who participated in discussion: amigamia, deadwood, AMIGASYSTEM, pixie, retrofaza, Amiwell79, G-linx, OlafSch, d0wz
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