11 years agoI have been unable to browse to since yesterday. It either times out or is slow as molasses.
Same for me amigamia.
Site was down whole of yesterday and started working again for me today. sometimes indeed pretty slow or unable to login.
Yesterday arosworld was out for me for a small period of time as well. (and right now i am having problems posting this message: unable to establish connection to sql... blah).
Computer-technology: a small wonder in itself (at least when it works) :D
fwiw: for those trying to reach aros-exec and get a ip-ban message...
no, there is nothing wrong with your specific ip-address, it seems everyone is experiencing the same.
Unfortunately i don't have any further info atm.
Simply hold on tight, and try again in a couple of hours/days.. patience is virtue :)
serk118ukSoftware DevPosted
11 years agoSomething must gone wrong, I can not reply to any of post at aros-exec since yesterday...
fwiw: i was already having problems (the last couple of days) logging in, but am now unable to. Everything seems accepted, but the board simply don't display the logged in page (and also does not tell that something went wrong).
Curious matters :|
Thanks for reporting Serk :thumbsup: as you certainly would not be the only one (perhaps also explaining the lack of posts the last 2/3 days).
serk118ukSoftware DevPosted
11 years agoLast person to post at ae was terminills.
I have cleared the cookies but still same..
Ah yes, i saw you 'floating by' :D
Thanks for having tried and reporting back.
That way people who experience the same issue wouldn't have to try themselves (and i saw many trying already).
Although completely speculating on my part, be aware that the ip-ban message we saw earlier this week, could mean admin just opened thing up so we can at least view things again, but that things are still being worked upon.
For all i know, only certain people are allowed to post atm (testing) and/or the user-settings have to be (re)set.
Since no announcement was made in advance, that could indicate unusual/unexpected maintenance (hence my earlier expressed fear).
If anyone has more info, then please feel free to enlighten the troubled minds ;)
Well, at least some info.
The powers that be are aware of the issues and are trying to wave their magic wand.
So, let's give them a few days to play with their magic stick :D
BSziliSoftware DevPosted
11 years agoThat sounded really dirty! :D
AmiDARKSoftware DevPosted
11 years agoI encounter this problem too.
I cannot post on It always send message "your session has expired ....".
This topic is old, but since yesterday I can't connect to Aros-Exec. This is the error I get every time I try to connect:
You are registered as BAD_IP by Protector.
This restriction will be expired on 2014-12-17 06:07:34
I've got this error today... yesterday's expiration day was 2014-12-16 at about 04:30. What's happening?
I managed to log on the Aros-Exec a few hours ago. It was a little weird since I was the only one there. But now I'm getting the BAD_IP message again :@
Yes, the "Protector"-message seems the same for everyone unfortunately.
These things happen either because of some spammer being (really) active or because of scheduled maintenance.
Don't despair, eventually things will work out.
fwiw: i have been getting these messages a bit longer then yesterday, but since yesterday it was completely impossible to be able to reach the aros-exec forums for me. (cavemann seems to have been very lucky :D )
For the lurkers out there, just hold on tight or in case you are having questions you can always ask them here. has always been a nice backup solution in case of emergencies and there are enough skilled people around like f.i. bszili, paolone and deadwood.
Other (AROS support) alternatives are:
or when really desperate you can always ask your questions on the other (well known) amiga boards.
And... just as i wrote previous message, aros-exec became accessible for me again :)
Today Aros-Exec is available again. The problem seems solved, at least for now... :)
For those experiencing problems attempting to connect to you're not the only one.