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Digging in the Archives: MidtoFront

Last updated on 12 years ago
rebraistrebraistJunior Member
Posted 12 years ago
The archives, we know, are full of good software.
A good bunch of this is developers'sware: libraries, libraries, libraries.
Another is port of games.
What i like instead is the everyday software: little or big, but useful.
In amigoid oses we have the distinction between utilities and tools: something bigger, somehing littler but in spite of size, as i stated before, "useful".
What i'd like to share with you is a tool that extend the behaviour of mouse click: we all know that in amiga (and aros) if you click with the left mouse button you give a window the focus but don't bring it in front. A totally different from windows, as you can see. Someone thinks it's better amiga approach, someone else thinks it's better windows approach. A long ago we had click to front that changed this behaviour: the left mouse click now would have brought to front the clicked window (with focus).
What we'll briefly see today is very useful tool: midtofront.
Midtofront takes the better of both windows and amigaos to give you a more complete approach.
The left and mouse button doesn't change anything from what you'd expect from amiga, but the middle mouse button will act as if you'd clicked a "windows" window, bringing it to front!!
How can you install it?
Simply download and extract this archive:


Then copy midtofront file to wbstartup and you'll have your aros work in a much complete way!
Try it!

Written in OWB
cavemannSoftware Dev
Posted 12 years ago
It is one of my favorite little tools. Another good point is that Ctrl-m brings up the midtofront prefs. So you can disable it if you are running a game that uses the middle mouse button. Then enable it again later. Very easy.

Good to see an article on this app. I recommend it too.
magoriumSoftware Dev
Posted 12 years ago
Thank you for the post.

It is indeed one of the most usefull utilities out there. Despite doing little, it does exactly as stated and does it good.

on another note: i don't know if you would appreciate some advise, but sometimes a written text reads better when divided into paragraphs so that there is some whitespace between the lines.

Also, if you edit text in the full-editor (meaning you get all kind of icons you can choose from) you can just siomply paste rtf text into the edit-box. If admin installed it correctly then it should automatically be converted into 'forum' tekst. I use it this way with html from my editor.

Since you know aw better then me (!?), what do you think the best location would be for such posts ?

I was thinking about articles, but at the same time it could be something for a news category perhaps ? But maybe that would interfere with the 'normal' news too much ? i have no idea how such things were done in the past.
emeckemeckJunior Member
Posted 12 years ago

Yes, very useful. And now it is included in Icaros 1.5 Commodities drawer so no need to download :)
rebraistrebraistJunior Member
Posted 12 years ago
thank you for your suggestions!
cavemannSoftware Dev
Posted 12 years ago
[quote][url=http://arosworld.org/forum/viewthread.php?thread_id=51&pid=252#post_252][b]magorium wrote:[/b][/url]

Since you know aw better then me (!?), what do you think the best location would be for such posts ?


When I see the heading 'Articles' I expect tutorials or interviews. But I think your idea to move these reviews to the Article section is a good one because of the rating system.

Not in order to rate the review itself, but I think it's good to empower users to rate AROS software and hardware, as well as comment on it's usefulness.

For example I would give midtofront an awesome rating, but someone else might rate it as average. This kind of information can be useful to someone deciding whether to install a program or not.

Also while discussing the site. It might be good for the admins to consider making the shout list longer and the comment list longer, since ArosWorld is getting a little busier ;)
magoriumSoftware Dev
Posted 12 years ago
Thanks for your input cavemann :thumbsup:

You just gave me an idea with your remarks, but i dunno if it is feasible. I'm gonna try contacting admin about it very soon.

In the mean while i'm going to ask rebraist if he already has contacted admin ? if necessary pm me here rebaist.
emeckemeckJunior Member
Posted 12 years ago

if rating with several options (excellent, average, poor, bad, etc) is not possible, maybe using something like facebook Like may be enough. Depending in the number of users who Like (or not) the app you can get a quick idea.

There are a couple of PHP-Fusion plugins for that.
magoriumSoftware Dev
Posted 12 years ago

Well, the article database supports just that what you just described :) (awesome/very good/good/average/poor) just as can be done for newspostings.

Thanks for the idea though, it might come in handy in the future :thumbsup:
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