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Games area

Last updated on 13 years ago
Posted 13 years ago
Don't mind this post much - it's just an occasional thought I think it deserved to be registered.

One thing to consider in the future is an AROS Games dedicated forum.
I'm not saying another site. I'm saying using one of the existing portals for that purpose.
Either AROS-EXEC or AROSWORLD.ORG - naturally the goal was always that the first would more a place of gathering for developers and development issues on the long run, and the later more for users, so possibly the later.

Also AROSWORLD keeps track of all news relating AROS, which is a big plus for casual users.

I believe that the games area is a big plus for trying out AROS... So it might naturally be a place to exist in the future.
magoriumSoftware Dev
Posted 13 years ago
Hi hard-wired,

First of all, welcome and thank you for taking the time to register just in order to post your occasional thoughts :)

cavemann also had a dream something like that in his do not wake me topic.

I didn't respond at that time (sorry cavemann) because personally i'm rather new to the game (phun intended).

Now that i have some (very short) experience with posting some news, i can also see that some things are lacking.

So here is some occasional thought of my own (also called rambling) :)

If i take your thoughts toghether with cavemann's and my own, then my ideal world would be a database something like a big list like on this website (http://www.mmorpg.com/gamelist.cfm), with ofcourse (more) appropiate fields. Selectable on genre or alphabetic letter as well. And an individual page for each game like this (http://www.mmorpg.com/gamelist.cfm/game/824/2112.html) (also taken from the same website).

Such an individual page should display all relevant information about the game(port), the status of the port, implemented feautures, missing features, people who had worked on the port. Updates of the port could be added so that it is always possible for another to pick up where someone else (developer) left it etc. etc.

More enduser-related, also videos, perhaps interviews with the makers (if it was a original game) or porter(s), screenshots, hardware requirements etc. etc. should go on this page as well. Ofcourse, related forums, discussions, ratings etc. are relevant also.

It would very nice if all of this could be fitted into some sort of distribution systems so that e.g. news about updates of the port could be added to the game's individual page and that the distribution system would automatically take care of distributing this news to all related aros news-sites. This way a developer would only have to post his/her updates at one place and that the news-post get automatically distributed without too much hassle. Ofcourse this could be implemented the other way around as well, e.g. news-sites tapping into the database at certain intervals to update their own site.

All users (c)(sh)ould have acces to it, be it online or offline. Perhaps even let them add stuff to the database. Maybe even with an off-line tool that could upload it when connecting to the internet. That last part could be extremely usefull for porters/developers, perhaps even letting the tool generated different output so that the developer can submiss his news to the generic AROS-Gaming-database as well as creating a post for a personal blog.

The main database should also be downloadable so that it never get's lost when (hosting) problems arise and can be uploaded to a replacement site as well.

But that would all be in a perfect world :)

I have personally no idea if something like i mentioned (even when in a simple form/early stage and not adding too much features) is possible for sites like ae or aw. Or perhaps someone else has better examples/ideas about all of this.

For one thing, i would already be very happy if it could be possible for aw to have an individual page for each game/port/software/distro and that background information could be added so that individual news-posts can suffice with a "port/game/software xxx got updated to yyy, and this is what was added/improved" (with a link to the individual page) instead of me trying to tell something about the item each and every time an update is at hand.

In one thing you are correct that we (aros-land) need something like a good database that get's maintained as well as forums to go with them. I only wonder if it would be worth all the hassle (concerning it's userbase). And (perhaps idealistic) Aros-playground could be the base for this as well ?

Therefore i thank you for your thoughts and it would be very interresting to see where this ramblings thoughts of ours are taking us :D

Please feel free to respond, also for others reading this and have better ideas.


P.S. in case you wonder, news about your new site is in the makings ;)
Posted 13 years ago
Your "perfect world" idea is not impossible.

For now it might not be practical - but who knows in the future.

Anyway, you're right about one thing - ports also have to be mantained. In the other day AROS version of Eternal Lands was found that it would not work anymore.
I asked Deadwood about a new version port, but it seems he is having memory/performance problems with new one.

I guess we need to check the entire port database to find out what's their current status - AROS is always evolving, but so the outside world!

Thanks for your thoughts...
cavemannSoftware Dev
Posted 13 years ago


One thing to consider in the future is an AROS Games dedicated forum.
I'm not saying another site. I'm saying using one of the existing portals for that purpose.
Either AROS-EXEC or AROSWORLD.ORG - naturally the goal was always that the first would more a place of gathering for developers and development issues on the long run, and the later more for users, so possibly the later.

Seems like most users prefer Aros-exec, so they can bug the developers for features ;) ArosWorld has become more of a backup site than a user site. Although lately ArosWorld has become a good place for the latest news... thanx magorium :)
I would like to see a games forum here, but really there are only about 30 members. I have also suggested a games forum to 4play at Aros-exec and he said he would consider it. Imo, the best place for a dedicated games forum is the new Aros playground. (great job, btw)


I didn't respond at that time (sorry cavemann) because personally i'm rather new to the game (phun intended).

Any general waits for the best time to fire the artillery :D


I have personally no idea if something like i mentioned (even when in a simple form/early stage and not adding too much features) is possible for sites like ae or aw.

I think its possible, any volunteers ;)

More thoughts:
Since aros is getting some complex games, I think its important that a games database provide links to the game and to any external files required.

Besides users ratings and highscores, every game should also have a place for some short user comments, for example:
user a - Does not work on my Acer.
user b - Good graphics but gameplay sux.
user c - My kids luv it.

And for fun, maybe a complete gaming site would have polls and contests too. For example a xamos game progamming contest :D
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Users who participated in discussion: cavemann, magorium, hard_wired
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