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DELL Latitude D520

Last updated on 6 years ago
nikosnikosDistro Maintainer
Posted 6 years ago
Hallo fellow Amigians

I always wanted a stable and good laptop for AROS.
Some years ago ClusterUK and many others got that realised with fully support for ACER aspire one. This is still a ok platform for AROS but as web-browsing, emulation and many other tasks got more demanding the need for more powerfull hardware is needed.

The DELL latitiude D520 is far from something new but the hardware is very simelar to ACER aspire one. The big difference is that the display res. is higher and the CPU is much faster. All that is needed is a replacement of the wi-fi card. Something that is very easy to do.

Search for this WiFi card on e-bay

Atheros AR5BXB63

This laptop can be found very cheap on e-bay.

I will put up many videos running AROS on this laptop.
I will show 68k emulation and I can tell you that 060 demos with JIT enabled runs full speed on this computer.
I compared a AGA demo with A1200 060 50Hhz with this computer under emulation and this computer did some of the scenes more smooth.

I will update this thread as I do new videos and bring in new information.

First of all I just wanted to know if there are any interest in people getting AROS laptop and if you have any questions bring'em on.

AROS rocks!
nikosnikosDistro Maintainer
Posted 6 years ago
Latest WHDLoad in action.


cavemannSoftware Dev
Posted 6 years ago
I enjoy your AROS videos, Please add some links in the new Video-Links area. ;)
Posted 6 years ago
nikos can you post the specs for your D520? I understand there are different versions of this laptop.
nikosnikosDistro Maintainer
Posted 6 years ago
amigamia: You can use any of them. Only difference is the CPU. There is one version that got 2Ghz CPU. Mine is 1.66GHz
What I real recommend is to change the internal drive to SSD.
nikosnikosDistro Maintainer
Posted 6 years ago


cavemann wrote:

I enjoy your AROS videos, Please add some links in the new Video-Links area. ;)

Hi Caveman

Thx :) Glad you enjoy the videos. Good to see you here. I will do that.
nikosnikosDistro Maintainer
Posted 6 years ago
If you experience that this laptop freeze browsing web-pages or after a few minutes getting warm it is very likely the WiFi card that is broken.
I had this problem with one WiFi card and there is one other guy that had this problem.
If you have this problem or want a WiFi card that is tested to work pm me and I send you one for 10£ inkl. shiping.
nikosnikosDistro Maintainer
Posted 6 years ago
AspireOS booting time with this laptop

nikosnikosDistro Maintainer
Posted 6 years ago
Why not have some fun for cheap money. For 5 - 10 euro it is easy to find Intel T2400 core2duo cpu on eBay. This is the most powerful CPU used in this laptop. I will try to change it on one of my D520s that got t2300. It should be easy. I bring you the result when I have changed it.
Posted 6 years ago


nikos wrote:

AspireOS booting time with this laptop


Nice! SSD drive I presume?
nikosnikosDistro Maintainer
Posted 6 years ago
Sure is :) Nothing else does it for me these days. Greatest update to computers in a loooong time.
nikosnikosDistro Maintainer
Posted 6 years ago
Demonstration of MPlayer (Media player) in AspireOS

Edited by nikos on 01-10-2018 06:44, 6 years ago
nikosnikosDistro Maintainer
Posted 6 years ago
Demo of Return to castle wolfenstein and Quake II on this laptop.


Edited by nikos on 02-10-2018 04:45, 6 years ago
Posted 6 years ago
Hi nikos,

Before I buy yet another laptop, I want to try AspireOS on an old laptop I have laying around. It seems to run Amithlon just fine (With VESA for the Video). What do you think about this one:

HP Compaq nc6230:

  1. Intel 1.8 gigahertz Pentium M processor
  2. 1GB ram
  3. 80 gig 5,400 rpm hard drive
  4. Intel 2200 pro b/g wireless networking card
  5. Broadcom 1 gigabit integrated Ethernet card
  6. 56k modem
  7. ATI x300 64 mb graphics card
  8. 14-inch XGA screen (1024×768)
  9. CDRW/DVD ROM drive (24x)
nikosnikosDistro Maintainer
Posted 6 years ago
amigamia: Sorry, but not something I would use for AspireOS. VESA mode sucks and neither your Ethernet or WiFi card will work. I would also definetly go with a SSD. I use Kingston 60GB SSD for my laptops. Very cheap and nice.
Posted 6 years ago
Got it! Dell D520 it is... :)
nikosnikosDistro Maintainer
Posted 6 years ago
amigamia: If you have problems with installing from CD I send you a USB-stick with AspireOS for free. Just pm me :)

AROS running Remote Desktop with Windows 7 pro.

Posted 6 years ago


nikos wrote:

amigamia: If you have problems with installing from CD I send you a USB-stick with AspireOS for free. Just pm me :)

I have a Dell D520 on its way from eBay but if you can post an img file so I ca dd to a usb stick that would be great too ;)
nikosnikosDistro Maintainer
Posted 6 years ago
amigamia: That is not possible. You need to install AROS or AspireOS to a Smart file system formated USB drive and if you are going to do that you need to install from some virtual player running AROS.
Just pm me your address and I send AspireOS to you on a USB stick. That saves you a lot of trouble :)
When you get that stick you can easily install to your internal drive.
Posted 6 years ago
Hi nikos,

While waiting for the USB stick (Thanks a million!) I tried to download the ISO of Aspire OS 2.1 and boot from the CD but I have tried already several CDs + different burners and it does not seem to boot? I thought It was the DVD player on the D520 but I tried other linux DVDs and it works fine. Plus, the Aspire OS 2.1 CD are not booting on other laptops I have around. Can you check?
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