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USB game controllers

Last updated on 6 years ago
Posted 6 years ago
Does the "settings" window open?
Posted 6 years ago
I've enabled some rumble effects on the code. The intensity should vary according to the left thumb stick.


Works for Logitech F710 at least, not sure if the class even shows any output on other XInput gamepads...

nikosnikosDistro Maintainer
Posted 6 years ago
Yes, it open :)


Maybe needs calibration?

edit: with the rumble update my controller rumble all the time like crazy. Little less if I move the left stick upwards. Calibration :)
Edited by nikos on 28-09-2018 10:57, 6 years ago
Posted 6 years ago
So the rumble even works? :)

My Logitech outputs somewhere 0 at the center so it doesn't shake very much at that position, but the original controller has a different zero position (well, it actually looks the same when your thumb sticks are centered...). It was just a test to see if the rumble works other than my controller. Thank you very much!
Posted 6 years ago
My Wireless F710 has worse thumb sticks than on it's counterpart the F310.
F710 doesn't always return the value to center, but the F310 does.

It brutally shows how bad the sticks have gone.

Some kind of calibration would be nice, I will look into that too. At least it could be good to find the dead band around the center. Maybe some routine that asks to push fully on one direction and then let go. Timer would start from zero every time a new message arrives and lets say if 100mS has elapsed from the last message then the code would look where the stick has last left it markings and do that many times and we should be able to find the dead band.
nikosnikosDistro Maintainer
Posted 6 years ago
Thank sounds perfect Dizzy :)
Thanks for doing this.
Posted 6 years ago
I think I found how to get the bitmask for all the inputs on XInput gamepads and that there even is such a bitmask...
Haven't seen that mentioned in anywhere :)

I didn't put any buttons on that settings window that tests the inputs as I didn't know how many buttons each controller has

I think we even now know if the controller is wired or wireless! Important, as we need to inform the controller api about it.
Edited by DizzyOfCRN on 29-09-2018 12:28, 6 years ago
nikosnikosDistro Maintainer
Posted 6 years ago
BlueTooth is not supported in AROS. I know some XBox controllers use that protocol, but others might use IR or maybe WiFi?

Guess to be safe, cable is the way to go. I guess wireless XBox controller also can be connected with USB cable?
Posted 6 years ago
My wireless and wired controllers both work at this moment.

There is a 2.4GHz dongle for xbox controller pc use. It's luckily not bluetooth so it might even work.

Not sure if the bit showing controller as wireless is always at the same location, needs testing.

Do you have wireless controller?

I will be putting out new test for the arosx, showing if the wireless check works and getting some more needed info for the xinput descriptor parser.
nikosnikosDistro Maintainer
Posted 6 years ago
No Wireless XBox controllers at the moment. I have one arcade stick wireless that works fine, but that is hid controller.
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