Hi All,
After finally admitting defeat on a previous build of AROSOne on some hardware that mostly worked but had some stability issues (I did get lots of help here from some really great people) I have now built a new, hardware native, AROSOne system on an Intel Desktop DH55TC Motherboard that is working wonderfully and is very stable. I’ve included a photo of the setup (if it uploads OK) that I think is some nice eye candy with its blue and white (LED fans) theme to match the AROSOne desktop – would love your thought and opinions on the build.
While I’m so happy with the build, there are three minor things I would love some advice / guidance on. Just some final finishing touches that would be the icing on the cake if they can be done. If not, I’ll still be very happy with what I have.
First – Is it possible to get sound over HDMI? I’m currently using VGA + a speaker connection to get the sound and I would prefer to just use HDMI. But when I change to HDMI, I can’t seem to get sound working. Is there a way to do this?
Second – I’ve read several posts here that suggest if your hardware supports Native Graphics, you should use that. My hardware does, but the screen resolution and screen size are not as good as some of the non-native options that also work. In native mode, in screenmodes under prefs I don’t have any selectable options (just the default), and I can’t seem to manually set anything up either. Am I just missing something here?
Third – this one is probably a real long shot. I’ve done the build in a modern case that has a USB3.0 case cable for the front USB ports. The Motherboard being a bit older of course does not have a USB3.0 header but I did have a PCIEx1 adaptor laying around, so I’ve connected that to the Motherboard and case cable. Is AROSOne capable of recognizing and using this set up (USB over PCIE)? If not, I’ll just have to use the USB ports at the back that are directly on the Motherboard only, but it would be nice to have the front ones available too.
Thanks for any advice and help, Regards Troy.
BBQ_Troy attached the following image:
AMIGASYSTEMDistro MaintainerPosted
3 months agoOn the hardware level I don't know if your requests are possible, maybe deadwood or another experienced user could be more precise.
Regarding the native Sheda, strange that in Screenmode prefs there are not all the available resolutions, it never happened to me ! what video card do you have ?
Hi Amigasystem,
No video card - just the native graphics from the motherboard (DH55TC).
I've done a bit of digging and interestingly I can see the PCI device in AROSOne (attached image) but its not working correctly - I can insert a USB into a port attached via the PCI and nothing (same usb works fine on a usb port on the motherboard though).
BBQ_Troy attached the following image:
Looking at your photo, your card is an USB 3.0 controller. This won't work with AROS at the moment.
Hi Deadwood,
Thanks for clarifying that my card wont work.
Regards, Troy.