Mister Alfred Faust has informed me that version 1.0 of BarsPpes for aros is available for download on his site, thanks for this porting also go to Franck Charlet 'hitchhikr' for his work on the camd driver and respective library, more information is on Mister Alfred's site
BnP asks for a midi device to be attached if none present, which is a good thing
Opening Preferences -> Environment, for me, shows jumbled coloured words and prevents other windows starting.
Untested further yet but crash on Song - Quit exit from AROS One 2.4 USB VESA with midi device attached and also does this when removing an usb midi device
Edited by Jeff1138 on 12-03-2024 22:19, 12 months ago
Yes the ones latest ones afaik. The ones in Alfreds lha match the ones I have in various system locations.
Seems to have the "Program failed" error start while Bars&Pipes starts up
Strange that my usb hub pulled out, after Bars&Pipes started, creates the same error
I just wanted to rule out just my system is affected
Edited by Jeff1138 on 15-03-2024 13:55, 12 months ago
Thanks, prefs deleted and recreated with usbmidi rather than poseidonusb of the previous prefs and changed the font to topaz but same barsnpipes Pipe Task error
Icon "leave out" to desktop so can quick start the app
No accessories yet and mergein and quantize tool but have not used yet
It is possible it is my error as I have never used barsnpipes before
Edited by Jeff1138 on 15-03-2024 14:24, 12 months ago
I don't have any equipment at the moment however I don't crash the program
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