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Questions about usage of AROS

Last updated on 12 months ago
KhadasKhadasJunior Member
Posted 12 months ago
Hi. Sorry for the wall of text, but basically:

1) How to properly unmount and/or remove external USB drives? Simply unplugging the pendrive makes me feel uneasy...

2) What is the actual difference between plain AROS and TinyAROS? I explored both on a VM and both seem the same. I suppose there is some difference under the hood.

3) How do I actually install software in AROS? I downloaded OWB from AROSArchives (Network/Browser/owb-1.26.i386-aros.zip 8-feb-2024) as a sample. I unzipped to a folder into pendrive and then I booted into Icaros. I copied that folder into My Workspace. When I try to run it, I get an error like "unable to find library m.library" or something like that. I suppose OWB is expecting suck lib to be in a certain folder around.
Then, I tried OWB in plain AROS and tinyAROS under a VM, but in both cases I had a "cannot find ver. 3 of pixman.library", that I suppose I should install (if not already present somewhere), but I am not sure where I should place libs etc. Since pixman3 library might be used by other software, I assume there is a system folder where libs should be located? So although downloading a copy of pixman3 to OWB folder makes the browser work, where should I actually place libs to be used system wide?

4) I want to try AROS and tinyAros on a VM before actually installing in real hardware. I would definitely prefer plain AROS rather than a custom distro, but in either case, I am not sure how to make networking to work. In VirtualBox I tried NAT and Bridge Adapter, as well as setting up a net0 adapter using RTL8169 driver (please see screenshot below). Unfortunately, "ping google.com" returns host not found. Similar result with OWB.
With the same settings but on real hardware, Icaros works fine after setting driver to RTL8169. I didn't try AROS or tinyAROS on real HW yet. So most likely there is some problem here with VirtualBox.


5) Where can I find an explanation of AROS filesystem? I am quite lost on what each directory is for and where to find things, how to see disks, mounted volumes and partitions etc, similar to the output of "mount" shell command in Linux or diskpart in Windows. Also, does each AROS distro has its own partially customized filesystem tree (think of linux distros) or all of them are exactly the same as AROS?

6) Printer. I have a USB printer that I totally need to use, but don't know how to make it work in Icarus or AROS. Only a PostScript printer type is available in Printer Preferences, but I don't know how to add a different one.
If I select USB Printer in PostScript settings, the printer does not respond when I want to print something.
Since the PostScript printer driver is the only available, I suppose the problem resides there, but where or how can I add additional drivers? Image below for reference.
I tried printing a simple random plain text using "Editor" (AROS:Tools/Editor).


7) How do I actually make programs or scripts run during bootup? I would like to have ClickToFront always be activated when I turn on the computer, but not sure how to do this. Although I can see the WBStartUp folder, how do I actually add ClickToFront or any other script into it?

8) How to add shortcut icons on the desktop to a folder and to files?

9) Will AROS complain if I install it in computer A, and them I transfer the hard disk to computer B that has different (but compatible) hardware? I mean, if you do that with Win98 or 95, you will get a nice BSOD. Windows 10 will automatically detect the new hardware and launch in the new PC without issues.

10) Probably not, but, is there any Palm Desktop alternative such a J-Pilot for Linux, that allows me to sync with PalmOS devices through USB?
J-Pilot: http://www.jpilot...
Palm Desktop: https://palmdb.ne...lm-desktop

Well, that is all for now. More questions in the future, probably.

Edited by Khadas on 04-03-2024 08:05, 12 months ago
Jeff1138Junior Member
Posted 12 months ago

Welcome, take a look here and let us know what still confuses

Posted 12 months ago
Khadas at the moment TinyAROS and Plain AROS (deadwood reference Build) are the same thing, to create the TinyAROS Distribution you have to add the contents of the system.zip (overwrite everything) which you can find on the TinyAROS site.

The reference Build (Plain AROS) does not include the libraries to run OWB or third party applications, as I had mentioned on other post, if you are not experienced, avoid reinventing the wheel, if you still have AROS One 2.4, you will find all the libraries you need, you just need to copy them in the system folder "Libs"

AROS is a Stand-alone system, programs do not need an installer, although you can create an installation package.

It's about the Printer maybe it could be a Driver problem, my HP USB printer doesn't work either, I don't know if there are generic Drivers.
deadwoodAROS Dev
Posted 12 months ago
Here are some answers from me:

1) There is no eject function that I'm aware off. I generally wait a few seconds after copying is done before removing pen driver. Never had problems with this - it boils down to file system caching and AROS has it far less than Windows or Linux.

3) SYS:Libs, but Wiki that Jeff1138 linked give a more detailed overview.

4) The driver (.device) you select must match your hardware. In case of default VirtualBox machine it will be pcnet32.device

5) There is partial customization in ditribution with regards to where they place 3rd party software. System software is always located in same directories. See link mentioned by Jess1138 for more explanation. As for partitions, start Shell (AROS:System/Shell) and type Info. Alternativelly start AROS:Tools/HDToolBox
deadwoodAROS Dev
Posted 12 months ago
6) Can't help with that

7) You need to drag&drop ClickToFront to WBStartaup. Alternativelly system startup script is located in AROS:S/Startup-Sequence

8) Select icon, right-click to open top bar menu, select Icon->Leave Out

9) Most likely there wil be no problem. Video and sound drivers autodetect hardware. Network drivers are written into fixed config but worst that ever happened to me was non-working network when wrong driver was used.
deadwoodAROS Dev
Posted 12 months ago
BTW, how did you learn about AROS? Facebook? YT? Any other place?
Posted 12 months ago
7) ClickToFront to start it automatically is very simple, the best method is to copy ClickToFront and its Icon in the Folder "WBStartup", there are also other methods, you can for example add the ClickToFront command in the User-startup or Startup-sequence.

The WBStartup folder is specially created, all programs included in this folder will run automatically, including the parameters in the Icon Tooltypes, among these paramenters must always be DONOTWAIT

From the Startup-sequence or User-startup on the other hand to execute the parameters as well, it is not enough to write the ClickToFront command, but you have to execute it through WBRun, example string !

ClickToFront (executes without parameters Tooltypes Icon)
WBRun ClickToFront (executes Tooltypes Icon parameters)

8) Simple, highlight icon -> Menu Icon -> Leave Out (this will create a text file in the root called .Backdrop, where you can add more links by hand)

Attention !!! on AROS/AMIGA if you delete file or folder link, you will also delete file and folder, to deactivate the link:

Menu Icon -> Put Away

9) I installed AROS on external USB Hardisk, and it worked on all tested PCs (running AROS), same thing if you boot AROS from Pendrive !
Amiwell79Distro Maintainer
Posted 12 months ago
1)USB management works like this you just have to be careful if you are not operating in the devices before disconnecting them

2)for a complete installation of tiny aros you must first install the reference build and then overwrite the files in the system.zip archive in sys: "Aros Volume"

3)if you complete the installation of tiny aros owb is already present in the system and also all the necessary libraries as well as most of the software the best

4)the driver under VM is pcnet32.device, then if you want to make a custom distribution you have to install the reference build you already have, plus the extra 'contrib' archives


5) the filesystem is the same for all distributions and also for the base build, during the installation it creates the root directory "sys: Aros Volume DH0:" and asks if you want to create an additional volume "work: DH1:", the system installer will guide you but there are options to select if you are installing aros on a partition where there is another operating system and therefore if you want to use the free space available, another option if you want to erase the entire disk.


6) your printer absolutely must support the postscript protocol to be able to print, still the aros printing system is primordial and there are no other drivers, another solution is to own a brother printer that makes use of its cloud system accessible with OWB

7) you can activate your scripts and programmes by writing a command line to the file in sys:s 'user-startup' I enclose an example


8) if you use tiny aros, simply select the programme then right-click and select the 'leave out' option

9) if you plug the hard disk into an aros-compatible computer, it starts without problems
Edited by Amiwell79 on 04-03-2024 08:16, 12 months ago
KhadasKhadasJunior Member
Posted 12 months ago

Jeff1138 wrote:

@Jeff1138 - Hi,

Welcome, take a look here and let us know what still confuses


Thanks! That reference wiki is fantastic! Well appreciated.


Khadas at the moment TinyAROS and Plain AROS (deadwood reference Build) are the same thing, to create the TinyAROS Distribution you have to add the contents of the system.zip (overwrite everything) which you can find on the TinyAROS site.

The reference Build (Plain AROS) does not include the libraries to run OWB or third party applications, as I had mentioned on other post, if you are not experienced, avoid reinventing the wheel, if you still have AROS One 2.4, you will find all the libraries you need, you just need to copy them in the system folder "Libs"

Understood. Thanks.


AROS is a Stand-alone system, programs do not need an installer, although you can create an installation package.

Is there any repository software that takes care of downloading software and libraries automatically, and clean up the system when you uninstall them, like apt-get would do?


It's about the Printer maybe it could be a Driver problem, my HP USB printer doesn't work either, I don't know if there are generic Drivers.

Did someone ever tried printing using serial connection instead of USB? My printer is fairly old and also has serial (or maybe parallel, I don't remember now) connector, but currently I don't have the cable.


Here are some answers from me:

1) There is no eject function that I'm aware off. I generally wait a few seconds after copying is done before removing pen driver. Never had problems with this - it boils down to file system caching and AROS has it far less than Windows or Linux.

3) SYS:Libs, but Wiki that Jeff1138 linked give a more detailed overview.

4) The driver (.device) you select must match your hardware. In case of default VirtualBox machine it will be pcnet32.device

5) There is partial customization in ditribution with regards to where they place 3rd party software. System software is always located in same directories. See link mentioned by Jess1138 for more explanation. As for partitions, start Shell (AROS:System/Shell) and type Info. Alternativelly start AROS:Tools/HDToolBox

6) Can't help with that

7) You need to drag&drop ClickToFront to WBStartaup. Alternativelly system startup script is located in AROS:S/Startup-Sequence

8) Select icon, right-click to open top bar menu, select Icon->Leave Out

9) Most likely there wil be no problem. Video and sound drivers autodetect hardware. Network drivers are written into fixed config but worst that ever happened to me was non-working network when wrong driver was used.

BTW, how did you learn about AROS? Facebook? YT? Any other place?

Thanks, all your answers very helpful.

I re-learnt about AROS by googling around, found the typical article like "The 10 most strange OSes you never heard of" sort of thing. I already knew about AROS, but for some reason or another, never tried it before.
KhadasKhadasJunior Member
Posted 12 months ago

Amiwell79 wrote:

@Amiwell79 - 1)USB management works like this you just have to be careful if you are not operating in the devices before disconnecting them

2)for a complete installation of tiny aros you must first install the reference build and then overwrite the files in the system.zip archive in sys: "Aros Volume"

3)if you complete the installation of tiny aros owb is already present in the system and also all the necessary libraries as well as most of the software the best

4)the driver under VM is pcnet32.device, then if you want to make a custom distribution you have to install the reference build you already have, plus the extra 'contrib' archives


5) the filesystem is the same for all distributions and also for the base build, during the installation it creates the root directory "sys: Aros Volume DH0:" and asks if you want to create an additional volume "work: DH1:", the system installer will guide you but there are options to select if you are installing aros on a partition where there is another operating system and therefore if you want to use the free space available, another option if you want to erase the entire disk.

[img ... /img]

I just noticed your reply right after writing my message.

For now, I will keep messing around with Icaros. Once I learn the basics, I will knee deep into tinyAros ; )
In general, I prefer the bare minimum distros so I can create exactly what I need, and also learn better about the inner workings of the OS.
Amiwell79Distro Maintainer
Posted 12 months ago
ok hope you found my help useful hello

Posted 12 months ago
What do you mean by minimal system, for example the minimal base of the reference Build, is the same as you find in AROS one, the only difference is that AROS One includes all the files nesessari to run any AROS Application, plus I created configurations to improve usability.

Remember that IcarOS has an old Core incompatible with "everything" the new Core and AROS One 2.4 and TinyAROS, also ache the third party software of the IcarOS "contrib" is incompatible with the new Core.
miker1264Software Dev
Posted 12 months ago
I prefer a minimal system too so that's why I like Tiny AROS. But then I also like the completeness of AROS One x86. Maybe a synthesis of the two?

Minimal system but complete and ready to go!
KhadasKhadasJunior Member
Posted 12 months ago

Amiwell79 wrote:

@Amiwell79 - ok hope you found my help useful hello


Yes, it was really helpful : )


...the only difference is that AROS One includes all the files nesessari to run any AROS Application, plus I created configurations to improve usability.

That is exactly what I mean. Distros of a core system have additional packages that I don't need. For example, many Linux distros come with lots of software and libs that might not be needed by everyone and many distros don't allow you to select packages during installation (for example Lubuntu), so I don't see the reason to have a Linux distro where the only difference with others is just the 3rd party software, libraries and drivers installed. All of that should be prompt to the user during installation, and hardware should be detected during installation as well, and only the required drivers installed.
Well, that is my point of view.

As for the configurations, that is nice, actually. Thanks.


Remember that IcarOS has an old Core incompatible with "everything" the new Core and AROS One 2.4 and TinyAROS, also ache the third party software of the IcarOS "contrib" is incompatible with the new Core.

I plan to move on sooner or later. I use ICAROS more like a learning tool to understand the filesystem and to know what kind of software is available in general. After that, I will use either the reference build or one of the suggested distros.
Posted 12 months ago

Khadas wrote:

That is exactly what I mean. Distros of a core system have additional packages that I don't need. For example, many Linux distros come with lots of software and libs that might not be needed by everyone and many distros don't allow you to select packages during installation (for example Lubuntu), so I don't see the reason to have a Linux distro where the only difference with others is just the 3rd party software, libraries and drivers installed. All of that should be prompt to the user during installation, and hardware should be detected during installation as well, and only the required drivers installed.
Well, that is my point of view.

You continue to have misconceptions, AROS is not Linux, on AROS One there are no additional libraries or packages, the only additional packages are the various Third Party Applications. the operating system is basic AROS, only added some configurations to make it easier to use.

On AROS every library or system file is used, there are no unused libraries, with a base system much of the Third Party Software will not work for you because they will require libraries not in the base Build.

IcaroOS for example does not use a Wanderer (Workbench Standard), but is based on Magellan, so it is very different from basic AROS, even the system settings are different and therefore two completely different experiences !
Edited by AMIGASYSTEM on 05-03-2024 03:15, 12 months ago
Amiwell79Distro Maintainer
Posted 12 months ago
You can use icaros desktop which then has the two options to choose desktop enviroment, it works well even if obsolete I make you a package that contains the updates which are not many including the hollywood libraries some zune classes and libraries
Posted 12 months ago
IcarOS needs a gloabal update, IcarOS doesn't just need an update package, it must be "replaced all the Core" and all the Software in the Contrib package !
Amiwell79Distro Maintainer
Posted 12 months ago
I have verified that after a few fixes all the software works, the contrb package of the new builds is not needed
Edited by Amiwell79 on 05-03-2024 09:07, 12 months ago
KhadasKhadasJunior Member
Posted 12 months ago


You continue to have misconceptions, AROS is not Linux, on AROS One there are no additional libraries or packages, the only additional packages are the various Third Party Applications. the operating system is basic AROS, only added some configurations to make it easier to use.

On AROS every library or system file is used, there are no unused libraries, with a base system much of the Third Party Software will not work for you because they will require libraries not in the base Build.

IcaroOS for example does not use a Wanderer (Workbench Standard), but is based on Magellan, so it is very different from basic AROS, even the system settings are different and therefore two completely different experiences !

Thank you for your reply.

What I mean is that AROS one, comes with 3rd party software such as games, video/music players, VNC server/client, emulators, etc and their associated libraries that I don't need, so the result is a system with a lot of software, libraries, and the desktop with many icons that I will never use.

I only need OWB, some simple code editor, compress/decompress tools, and a couple more things, but unfortunately AROS One doesn't allow to select individual software during installation like how Icaros does, so maybe it could be a good idea to offer that same thing in Aros One.

So it just happened to be that I installed Icaros the first time and I selected every single possible 3rd party software to explore things around, but I would do the same if the first time was Aros One instead.
Amiwell79Distro Maintainer
Posted 12 months ago
I have updated the fix package for icaros can be found on aros archives
Edited by Amiwell79 on 05-03-2024 13:34, 12 months ago
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