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Linux BootStrap - Hostapp

Last updated on 13 months ago
Posted 1 year ago
Hello, I downloaded and installed Icaros 2.3 (desktop-live). The install.sh script works fine on Debianx64. I tried Hostapp application with dotdesktop script. Once I choose my .desktop, the application freezes, stays on zzz. How can I create the launcher manually?
Thank you
Amiwell79Distro Maintainer
Posted 1 year ago
hosted icaros does not have an x window so you start icaros on window and linux apps you can start them from debian
Amiwell79Distro Maintainer
Posted 1 year ago
OWB do not works
Posted 1 year ago
I've no enough memory aviable.
what command do you put on image 3? Do you have any idea about the memory problem?




Amiwell79Distro Maintainer
Posted 1 year ago
I don't knowSad
Amiwell79Distro Maintainer
Posted 1 year ago
memory can be set in the preferences programme in sys:prefs
Posted 1 year ago
Chrisripp what did you run on the last image ?

With Ost versions the errors might come from the Linux world !

If you are not AROS expert, I recommend to use a native version on VM first, VMware recommended, after where all hardware is supported and all AROS x86 programs work fine !
deadwoodAROS Dev
Posted 1 year ago
When running hosted AROS do:

AROSBootstrap -m 1024

to get 1GB RAM (for example)

Please note that Icaros has not been updated for a while now. If you get things going, you might consider updating the core system - it should boil down to downloading latest ABIv0 hosted release and overwriting all Icaros files with it. Just be sure to make backup of Icaros first - as you will be updating "across" ~5 years of development so things can go wrong.
Posted 1 year ago
Thank you for your answers, I will try, and let you know.
Thanks again for the help.
Posted 1 year ago
Hello, I overwrote the Icaros files with ABI-V0 i386. except user-startup and startup-sequence. OWB works, Janus-ue too.


Unlike Icaros, I do not have access to my Linux partitions. I haven't found how to do it.
I haven't found how to try it in bootstrap, there is no executable. It's a shame.

I still have to try Tiny AROS V3
Posted 1 year ago
Aros One currently does not have a Host version because I am not a Linux expert and do not use Linux systems.

I would be happy if someone would like to create a Host version of AROS One.

Regarding sharing with Linux, on AROS One in the path Extras/Internet/SMB2/SMB2-GUI, there is a GUI to create the connection with a shared of any OS, the GUI is very simple and you can share, volumes, folders or Network Units very easily.

Once you have created the connection you can copy the DOSDrivers (SMB2) found in Storage/DOSDrivers, it wherever you see fit, or drag them to AmiStart, to mount share when you prefer.

In the path Extras/Internet/SMB2 folder there are also other icons that allow you to dismount/restart SMB2, see my video:

Amiwell79Distro Maintainer
Posted 1 year ago
there is also sshfs:

ssh2-handler is filesystem for accessing files remotely using the SFTP
protocol. It is based on libssh2 1.8.0 and uses AmiSSLv4 for SSL encryption


- filesysbox.library 54.3 or newer.

- z.library 2.1 or newer (https://github.com/salass00/z_lib/releases).

- AmiSSL 4.12 or newer.


Create a DOSDriver with the following contents:
Handler = L:ssh2-handler
StackSize = 65536
Priority = 5
GlobVec = -1
Startup = "<args>"

Where <args> should follow the template:


HOSTADDR is the IP address or domain name of the SSH server.

PORT is the port number (defaults to 22).

USER is the user name.

PASSWORD is the login password or key file passphrase depending on the
authentication method used. If this argument is left out a password requester
will be used instead.

VOLUME is the AmigaDOS volume name (defaults to <user>()<hostaddr>Wink.

READONLY sets the filesystem to read only mode.

NOSSHAGENT stops filesystem from attempting to connect to ssh-agent.

KEYFILE can be used to change the key file used for public key authentication
(defaults to "$HOME/.ssh/id_rsa" or "HOME:.ssh/id_rsa"Wink.

ROOTDIR sets the root directory to use as the root of the volume (defaults to

To connect to a SFTP server with IP and port 122 using username
"user123" use:

Startup = " PORT=122 user123"

If you want the handler to be started immediately on mount, rather than on the
first access, then make sure that ACTIVATE=1 is set in either in the icon
tooltypes or in the DOSDriver file itself.
Amiwell79Distro Maintainer
Posted 1 year ago
sshfs works with all distribution
magoriumSoftware Dev
Posted 1 year ago

Amiwell79 wrote:

@Amiwell79 - sshfs works with all distribution

Thank you very much for the detailed setup instructions in order to setup sshfs.

I was not aware that this little gem was available for AROS.
Posted 1 year ago

The good salass00, had published it along with SMB2 on aros-exec, two very useful tools, SMB2 also has a GUI that makes it easier to use:

Amiwell79Distro Maintainer
Posted 1 year ago

magorium wrote:

@magorium -

Amiwell79 wrote:

@Amiwell79 - sshfs works with all distribution

Thank you very much for the detailed setup instructions in order to setup sshfs.

I was not aware that this little gem was available for AROS.

I only quoted what is written in the readme I did not think you were aware of this

hi magorium
paoloneDistro Maintainer
Posted 1 year ago
Hi Chris. Why are you importing .desktop files in hostbridge? .desktop files are just sort of links IIRC, while hostbridge requires you to enter the actual executable to get its path.
Posted 13 months ago
Hello Paulone, In System/System/Hosted, there are some scripts including dotdesktop, I wanted to try, but it doesn't work.
I tried the same on Ubuntu, I don't understand, I must be missing something.
Can someone explain it to me step by step? How to launch a Linux application under Icaros?
I don't have your Amiga level, I'm a small gamer.

I am posting Icaros which I have updated, as explained a little above. If anyone wants to test, see if what I did is correct.
LINK: https://kdrive.in...23aad694e6

My interest is to create a Linux distribution, which boots directly on Aros, with links to Linux applications incorporated, as well as a launch of ES-desktop configured amiga (emulationstation like batocera).
I have already done it with amiberry or fs-uae which directly launches an Amiga system at startup. The Hostrun Amiberry works very well, but the project is still too young and we only launch 3.x
The aim will be to discover the abilities of Aros. The hostrun is essential, so as not to remain stuck on a compartmentalized system, but to extend it to today's modernism. With the launch of modern applications Linux, mac, Windows.

These are just my thoughts, I'm not a coder, and have no idea of the magnitude of the task. But as a simple user, I think it would be great.
Posted 13 months ago
chrisripp, consider updating your system as well, many things have changed, there have been hundreds of bugs fixed, and more Cores have been updated.

Important, if you have to upgrade your system "you have to remove from the system" some libraries, and all software that uses these libraries, you can read in the attached link about the big changes !

Posted 13 months ago
Ha damn, I just overwrote, I didn't delete anything. I will try. THANKS
Edited by chrisripp on 09-02-2024 12:23, 13 months ago
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