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Irritating bug of the month - November

Last updated on 8 months ago

Poll: IBOTM - November

    #105 (DiskInfo showing OFS instead of FAT) [0/5]0 %
    #100 (Errors while moving files to Storage or WBStartup) [0/5]0 %
    #91 (Wrong parsing of boot parameters in Prefs/Boot) [0/5]0 %
    #74 (Contrib LHA has issues when used from ZuneARC) [1/5]20 %
    #70 (pc105_i and pc105_d keymap is corrupt) [0/5]0 %
    #64 (Wanderer: properly run tools with CLI tooltype) [2/5]40 %
    #49 (Unreadable names with DiskImageGUI and ISO9660 images) [0/5]0 %
    #47 (Wanderer: single icon without the associated file cannot be deleted) [1/5]20 %
    #43 (Rename issues with fat-handler) [0/5]0 %
    #42 (Regression: Volume Information Window) [1/5]20 %
deadwoodAROS Dev
Posted 8 months ago
Hmm, wait. These are 68k libraries, not x86. They are to test TKUnpacker with CLI tooltype.
Posted 8 months ago
Ok, with 'workbench.library-45.4.zip' AROS 68k works fine with TKUnpacker, even if I use in Tooltypes CLI and DONOTPROMPT.

Attention LHA native AROS 68k does not work with TKUnpacker, from Shell it works fine, if on AROS 68k you use LHA native AMIGA no problem TKUnpacker works fine.

Also it happens that if you delete folders and files from RAM WinUAE closes, this happens with the AROS 68k Build of "aros.sourceforge.io" dated 16 October 2023

I have to try with your Build if the same thing happens !
deadwoodAROS Dev
Posted 8 months ago
Thanks for confirmation!

This closes irritating bug for this month! Thanks to all who participated and tune in soon for voting for December bug!
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Users who participated in discussion: magorium, deadwood, AMIGASYSTEM, Amiwell79, miker1264
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