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Last updated on 3 months ago
deadwoodAROS Dev
Posted 1 year ago

I wanted to share with you something I've been working on for some time. The project is called AxRuntime and it allows re-compiling existing Amiga/MorphOS/AROS software as Linux applications.

The runtime allows developers to continue developing Amiga applications in unmodified way while at the same time being able to utilize modern development tools available on Linux like IDEs, debuggers, profilers, etc.

This solution lets developers compile their Amiga API-based applications as Linux binaries. Once the features are implemented, tested and optimized using the runtime on Linux, developers re-compile their applications for their Amiga-like system of choice and perform final quality checking.

Applications created with AxRuntime can be distributed to the Linux community giving developers a much broader user base and a possibility to invite developers from outside general Amiga community to contribute to the application.

Here are some videos of AROS applications running under Linux:

Wanderer: https://www.axrt.org/media/axrt-Wanderer.mp4
MPlayer: https://www.axrt.org/media/axrt-MPlayer.mp4

More images in gallery: https://axrt.org/gallery

Download & Instructions

deadwoodAROS Dev
Posted 1 year ago
Release v41.4 of AxRuntime is now available. Main feature is that interacting with Intuition windows (moving, resizing, etc) now happens via Intuition gadgets and there is no longer window decoration duplication. Checkout this video to learn more: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1pvu76Lmp0Q

AxRuntime v41.4 can be downloaded from:


If you are interested in developing using AxRuntime, contact me on this forum or visit https://axrt.org/contact.
deadwoodAROS Dev
Posted 1 year ago
Release v41.5 of AxRuntime is now available.

It is a small, bugfix release.

AxRuntime v41.5 can be downloaded from:


If you are interested in developing using AxRuntime, contact me on this forum or visit https://axrt.org/contact.
deadwoodAROS Dev
Posted 7 months ago

Just wanted to share that AxRuntime has been noticed by editor of osnews.com

retrofaza, amigamia, Argo, Deremon, G-linx, pixie
Posted 3 months ago

You should also add arexx and xadmaster to axruntime; they may be needed by some apps which may be ported to axruntime in the future (eg. amimodradio).

In the youtube videos, I see that you're using a theme from Icaros desktop. This means that decoration works; is it possible to change theme ?

Also, normally, aros shell can be customized by using the file "shell-startup" in SYS:S directory. Is it also the same in axruntime ?
Edited by jma on 11-11-2024 04:52, 3 months ago
deadwoodAROS Dev
Posted 3 months ago

Adding Arexx and more libraries is on my TODO, so this will eventually happen. With regards to themes, you can change them pretty similar to how you do in AROS. If you have at least version 41.11, check SYS:S/User-Startup for details. Shell-Startup is also present in SYS:S. If you have additional questions, let me know.
deadwoodAROS Dev
Posted 3 months ago
Release v41.12 of AxRuntime is now available.

This is a major upgrade, based on AROS ABIv11 20241102-1 core, bringing two major improvements:
  • Support for running under Windows with WSL2
  • Support for running AROS 64-bit binaries requiring network

For full list of changes, please check here: https://axrt.org/release-notes?id=axruntime-v41-12

AxRuntime v41.12 can be downloaded from:


This version is also needed for the upcoming release of Odyssey 2.1 64-bit.

If you are interested in developing using AxRuntime, contact me on this forum or visit https://axrt.org/contact.
retrofaza, pixie, Argo
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