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Hello, and Help!

Last updated on 8 days ago
BBQ_TroyJunior Member
Posted 12 days ago
Hi Amiwell79,

Initially I didn't touch any parameters - just let the install process set up the HDD - It already set the file system correctly. I only started playing with the parameters on advice from this thread which was due to all of the errors I was getting trying to install onto a HDD (I even tried several different HDDs). I think I did get a full install eventually on a HDD but it wont boot from the HDD. I'm currently redoing the install to a USB drive and it is going well (no errors unlike the HDDs) but I would prefer an install on a HDD. I have Windows PC's so don't need to put Windows on this one - I'm keen to have a natively installed, stand alone, dedicated AROS One system on this particular PC.

BBQ_TroyJunior Member
Posted 12 days ago

deadwood wrote:

@deadwood - Did you try to format disk when booted in 'VGA safe mode'? Does it give errors as well?

Alternativelly try formatting with ATA=nodma or ATA=nopci grub boot options. Does any of these options allow you to format disk without issues?

I'll try all of these suggestions but it might be in the morning as its near midnight here now.

Posted 12 days ago
Hmm, as you say very close and clearly there is at least some compatability with the machine's SATA.

Before tyring the low-level format it might just be worth trying a few last things before the disk is wiped:

  • As Deadwood said, try booting with the ATA=nodma or ATA=nopci options added to tge Grub line and try the manual copy again to see if that removes the errors.
  • If that doesn't help but you've found dropping the MaxTrasfer has given fewer errors you could try droping it even further.
  • It migtht be worth trying one more time with InstallAROS, but select only the optiont to install the bootloader and then see if that helps on booting.

If all else fails you could just set up a boot partition on USB (just the core system files), boot fro that but have your Work partition (files from the 'Extras' folder on the DVD) and documents on the HDD. Of course this is assuming any errors it's still throwing up are at a tolerable level.

Posted 12 days ago

BBQ_Troy wrote:


In one of the photos you can see Grub is loading from the HDD but after I select the resolution it goes to the no media screen and I need to put the CD back in.

When you started InstalAROS you first performed the "Wipe Disk", this command cleans the previous installed bootloaders and destroys all the data partitions included, maybe this command could solve the problem booting from Hardisk.

I liked your third screenshot, very nice picture of AROS One.
Edited by AMIGASYSTEM on 06-10-2024 19:39, 11 days ago
BBQ_TroyJunior Member
Posted 11 days ago
Hi All,

OK, I've been able to boot from USB, however while the mouse is there it has no pointer making it near impossible to do anything - I've rebooted about 5 times and it won't show up. Now grub no longer loads correctly - might be time to give up on this PC.
An update on all the suggestions:
"ATA=" setting - any change just caused the errors to happen sooner and usually made the whole PC freeze after a few minutes.
VGA Safe Mode did nothing (if anything worse) - errors still there unable to format the HDD.
I've started the install dozens of times and selected wipe at least 15 times - I can't tell you how many times I've restated the PC.
I think I've tried every suggestion and tried several other things as well.
I have been able to load AROS One on another PC from one of the 3 USBs I've created during all of this trouble shooting. I don't want AROS on that PC though so I guess I'll need to find another PC which might take a while - looks like no AROS for me for a while.
Thanks for try to help. Regards, Troy.
BBQ_TroyJunior Member
Posted 11 days ago
AMIGASYSTEM you are welcome to use any of the photos. Not a happy ending with that PC though.
deadwoodAROS Dev
Posted 11 days ago
Sometimes the hardware just doesn't want to cooperate I guess. If you are interested take a look at recommended hardware - these are all sub 100 euro hardware. Alternativelly, the wide compatibility list can be a good source of reference if you happen to get another used PC.
Posted 11 days ago

BBQ_Troy wrote:

@BBQ_Troy - Hi All,

OK, I've been able to boot from USB, however while the mouse is there it has no pointer making it near impossible to do anything - I've rebooted about 5 times and it won't show up.

This is a problem that has happened on other PCs, other users have also had the same problem and have solved it by replacing two files.

In the Pendrive try replacing the file "global.prefs" and "i8042.hidd" the paths are these:


I attach the files in question, to copy the files to the Pendrive use a Virtual Machine!

Regarding InstallAROS, can you confirm that you used "Wipe Disk" before installing?
AMIGASYSTEM attached the following file:
fix.zip [9.62kB / 31 Downloads]
BBQ_TroyJunior Member
Posted 11 days ago



BBQ_Troy wrote:

@BBQ_Troy - Hi All,

OK, I've been able to boot from USB, however while the mouse is there it has no pointer making it near impossible to do anything - I've rebooted about 5 times and it won't show up.

This is a problem that has happened on other PCs, other users have also had the same problem and have solved it by replacing two files.

In the Pendrive try replacing the file "global.prefs" and "i8042.hidd" the paths are these:


I attach the files in question, to copy the files to the Pendrive use a Virtual Machine!

Regarding InstallAROS, can you confirm that you used "Wipe Disk" before installing?

Yes, I can confirm - on 10+ install attempts I've done wipe disk first.

I'll try replacing those files.
Edited by BBQ_Troy on 07-10-2024 02:08, 11 days ago
BBQ_TroyJunior Member
Posted 11 days ago
Ok, I've had some success by cheating - I installed AROS One using a different computer on a different HDD and then swapped the HDD to the computer I want to use it in. Now I'm booting into AROS One fine and running programs - no errors yet (fingers crossed). Do I always need to choose the screen resolution in Grub on startup or is there a way to default it? Also, where do I look for trouble shooting sound as it seems I have none and while I know sound is one of those things that only works on some hardware it did initially when being run from CD so it seems like it should be possible?
Posted 11 days ago
Yes on the Grub you can set the resolution you want by default, you have to edit the grub.cfg file, it's a text file found in the Arch/pc/grub path

Basically you have to wire the number that corresponds to that resolution, the default is "set default=4".

For audio, if it worked from the DVD, it must also work from the hard disk!

For Mouse disappearing did you use the Fix I attached ?
BBQ_TroyJunior Member
Posted 11 days ago

Thanks for the info - I've been able to change the default screen mode now.
I did not need to replace those files as when I swapped over the HDD the pointer was working correctly on the new HDD.
I do need to keep unplugging and plugging mouse and keyboard back in (always have) as they seem to not register with the system until replugged back in - usually into a different USB port.
I'll need to work on why sound isn't working next, also DOPUS won't open. I'll work on these over the next few days.

Regards, Troy 👍
Posted 11 days ago
The mouse insertion problem only happens on some PCs, it will be fixed in the future !

About Dopus if it doesn't open something is not installed properly, what error are you getting, can you take a video or screenshot!

Regarding audio which device do you see in AHI prefs?
Posted 11 days ago
Hi Troy,
Really good to hear things are starting to work for you; nice cheat using another system, just a bit weird it woudlnt work straight off. Still, if it works it wroks!

Re. graphics, just a thought but have you tried native graphcs (top option in Grub)? You might be lucky and have a supported chipset in your machine.

To echo Amigasystem, if sound worked wihen booting from DVD it should wrk from HDD, so as he mentioned please do look in AHI prefs and see what it says.

As to the USB issue, try adding this line to your user-startup (found in AROS:s, just use Editor in uilities to edit):

sys:prefs/trident nogui

I've hacked a USB touchscreen onto one of my machines and I needed to add this line to get it working at boot, so maybe it will help with your keyboard and mouse.

Edited by ntromans on 07-10-2024 13:27, 11 days ago
BBQ_TroyJunior Member
Posted 10 days ago
Hi All,

Now we are really getting somewhere 👍🎉

I don't know what happened with sound but I went into "AHI prefs" and everything looked ok so I did a sound test which worked - so I hit save and ever since then I've had sound, even after several reboots. Probably a stupid question but is there a general system wide volume control - I can't seem to find one? I've now been listening to some cool music with Protrekkr (which has its own volume control). Maybe I can somehow map volume to the keyboard I'm using that has volume buttons but is obviously not currently configured in the system.

No luck with native graphics but I've set my preferred screen mode (which looks really nice anyway) as the default in Grub and reduced the auto select time down so I now only need to wait a few seconds and don't need to touch anything. 👍
Also no luck with "sys:prefs/trident nogui". It seems that if I leave both mouse and keyboard (both usb) plugged in, the system does not register them. If I unplug the keyboard, when the system loads the mouse is fine, and if I then plug the keyboard back in it will register with the system and work fine too. Sometimes when they are not working if change usb ports they will start working. Is there a way to configure/set them in the system as always registered even if its against a dedicated usb port that would be fine. I was looking in Trident which shows them but not sure if I can configure them (or how to) in there or not.

Sorry, I can't show you anything with Dopus4 as nothing happens - double click and nothing - except the HDD light will flick once or twice like its trying to activate it. It also wont work from the CD even if I've booted from the CD so maybe it was corrupted on the CD I created so I might try burning another one from the iso file and then copy that across to the HDD to see what happens.

Posted 10 days ago

BBQ_Troy wrote:

@BBQ_Troy - Hi All,

Now we are really getting somewhere 👍🎉

I don't know what happened with sound but I went into "AHI prefs" and everything looked ok so I did a sound test which worked - so I hit save and ever since then I've had sound, even after several reboots.

This is why I advised you to go to AHI prefs, on AROS One there are no AHI saves because on PC there are several Audio Shede, of course in many cases it is automatically detected, in your case it was not detected, I don't know the reasons.


as the default in Grub and reduced the auto select time down so I now only need to wait a few seconds and don't need to touch anything. 👍

On AROS One, I increased the time to give inexperienced users a chance to take a good look at the Grub entries, and where compared to the normal Grub, I added the following to the 'Early Startup' menu.


Sorry, I can't show you anything with Dopus4 as nothing happens - double click and nothing - except the HDD light will flick once or twice like its trying to activate it. It also wont work from the CD even if I've booted from the CD so maybe it was corrupted on the CD I created so I might try burning another one from the iso file and then copy that across to the HDD to see what happens.

This is probably because in the Bios you disabled the Floppy drive, Dopus4 if it doesn't find the Floppy won't boot.

If you don't want to activate the Floppy, I can send you modified Dopus4 where I deleted "TrackDisk.device", I'm not a developer, for testing I simply deleted the "TrackDisk.device" with a Hexadecimal Edit, and Dopus4 works even if there is no Floppy drive.
BBQ_TroyJunior Member
Posted 10 days ago

Yes, please send me a modified copy of Dopus4. The BIOS has a boot device "USB-FDD" but that is the only reference to a Floppy in the whole BIOS. It's enabled but might not considered a true floppy. The board in the All in One PC looks like it can't take a floppy connection so it's probably not considered on this PC.

Posted 10 days ago
OK I attach the modified version, but consider that on AROS One there are other applications that require the floppy drive to be present.

Check well in the Bios if there is any entry in other Menus that enables the Floppy

AMIGASYSTEM attached the following file:
dopus4-nofloppy.zip [224.79kB / 24 Downloads]
BBQ_TroyJunior Member
Posted 10 days ago

I don't think I'm going crazy, I can't see any floppy options - see photo's

BBQ_Troy attached the following image:
462246269_613117744483521_5594883243358533195_n.jpg 462246882_547305401156986_5635837996261983015_n.jpg 462485583_882004086878650_4693724394069197506_n.jpg
Posted 10 days ago
OK your Bios does not include the floppy, did the version of Dopus4 I sent you work?

If it didn't work then it may be that the DVD wasn't burned well.
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Users who participated in discussion: deadwood, AMIGASYSTEM, ntromans, Amiwell79, Farox, BBQ_Troy
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