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Digging in the Archives: BackupCopy 1.0

Last updated on 12 years ago
rebraistrebraistJunior Member
Posted 12 years ago
BackupCopy 1.0, as the name implies is a backup manager for our kitty Os!
Written by Nigel Tromans, this very useful piece of sware allows to backup our data and, thus, saving it from the evil fingers of your child shouting: DADDY I DELETED THAT USELESS ICON!!
Ntromans has thought that saving children's life is a righteous thing to do, so here we are.

After downloading it, you will find a drawer with backupcopy icon, a pdf handbook, a readme text file, the source (it's written in holliwood).
There's even a drawer with mos, os3 and os4 versions: more and more children will be saved!

On launch backupcopy makes you choose the source drawer to be copied, then the destination folder. Pay attention that the destination folder must be empty, otherwise it will delete all files in the destination drawer!!
I created a drawer named "backup" and chose it as my destination file.
Copy started and it all went well! A button "abort" allows you to stop backup process any time.

But backup copy doesn't end here: it's primarily a cli program. The icon simply launches it with common options but you can choose from cli window if you want to sinchronize source and destination (mirror), simply delete files that are not in both drawers and so on.

Believe me: backupcopy is worth a try!
Never kill a child again! Use backupcopy instead!
magoriumSoftware Dev
Posted 12 years ago
All good things you wrote... that is also exactly as of why i did my newstpost ;)

I just realized it is not that obvious. If you select news categories (top of screen) and scroll to the newscategory (which you are interrested in) then you see the latest post there. If it's not there you can press more to read the complete list of posts in from that news-category.

That's better then clicking through the next button on the frontpage to see old news-postings :)

You can also do a search and see if something about a subject already has been posted before.

Not that there is something wrong with writing about it in the forums ofcourse. All extra attention (for good software) is welcome :)
Edited by magorium on 11-03-2013 13:52, 12 years ago
rebraistrebraistJunior Member
Posted 12 years ago
thanx for your good advice!!!
My idea is to "review" (even old) software from the archives in a simple and "why you should use it" way. Every two or three days.
It's not true we have no sware in aros. Simply there's often little jewels that are not advertised enough!
Can i do it ? (and how can i do it?):D
magoriumSoftware Dev
Posted 12 years ago
Hi rebaist,

I actually like that idea :)

I think the best section for that would be in the articles section (link on top). Especially if you want to do some more indepth reviews over what the software is, what it can do and what is postive/negative about it.

That way (other) people can comment and rate your article/software as well.

But i don't know if you have acces to that section of the board. If not then please send a pm to admin and tell him what it is exactly what you want to do. Unfortunately i cannot help with that.
cavemannSoftware Dev
Posted 12 years ago
@magorium and amigamia

Very interesting, I come to this site often and I never noticed that menu item (and it's right up top too). Of course, I couldn't even find the search the other day... how embarassing.

I think 'News Categories' does not fully tell the story. My suggestion would be changing the nick to something like 'News Archive' or 'News Search' or 'News by Category' or 'News & Reviews'.

And I think I've mentioned this before. At the risk of being tiresome, In general I think categories that have the most entries should be at the head of the list and the ones with no entries should be at the tail ;)

Also, while I'm being a pest. I wonder why some news categories even exist, Apple, E-bay, Microsoft, Windows, PHP-Fusion and a few others.

My two cents, and apologies for ranting off topic.
rebraistrebraistJunior Member
Posted 12 years ago
magoriumSoftware Dev
Posted 12 years ago

Nah, it is not tiresome at all :) I certainly remember the discussion and i also remember agreeing with you :D

I know this sounds as a bad excuse (as it really would take up 10 minutes to rename the categories, another 2 days to sort the posts *kidding*) but have you noticed i even didn't find myself a nice icon for AW ? :shame-on-me:

The renaming thing for the menu's is alas not something i can do for you :(

Perhaps a good thing as well. i would probably rename them all to names of delicious desserts (fe custard-pie for news, strawberry-jelly for discussion forum :D).

Thank you for the reminder.
cavemannSoftware Dev
Posted 12 years ago
Mmmm, custard-pie...doh!
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