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New and Updated Datatypes

Last updated on 2 months ago
miker1264Software Dev
Posted 2 months ago
Over the last couple of days I spent some time getting my AROS Desktop setup for testing. ViewTIFF is working fine for loading TIFF Images using Tiff Library. I have also installed some new PNG Icons in the style of Ken's v4 icons to make things nicer. ;-)

The startup-sequence calls user-startup which then loads Magellan in Workbench Replacement Mode. I have some new colored drawer icons as you can see. I also have a new def-picture icon that I made. The new AROS Desktop will have many new icons once I get Icon Batch Processing working again. The default color scheme will be OS4 window theme with blue drawer icons to begin. Later I will install several more window themes and many more new colored icons & new background images. But custom themes & icons will wait. There is much testing to do for new programs such as ViewTIFF & TIFF Datatype.

Not sure why Arosworld won't let me post images! The website also stopped working on my smart phone. Now I have to use the desktop app. But it won't accept images. It says "unknown MIME type" for both PNG & BMP.

No screenshots at the moment.
Edited by miker1264 on 16-12-2024 19:07, 2 months ago
Posted 2 months ago
I'm setting up Magellan with the same configuration as Dopus4, so it will recognise all the most common Graphic, Audio and Video formats on the Web, for many of them even if they don't have an extension.

Magellan on AROS One will be installed in the Tools folder, and to use it just click on its Icon, by default it will use its own screen but if you want you can also use it together with Wanderer as shown above in the video.
miker1264Software Dev
Posted 2 months ago
ViewTIFF -> Save_TIFF works to save 24bit images as Tiff Images using Tiff Library.

Now I need to compare the code to TIFF Datatype then compile the new Datatype.
miker1264Software Dev
Posted 2 months ago

I'm trying to compile TIFF Datatype but I'm still having problems with the ABIv0 Build System.

My ViewTIFF test program uses almost the same mmakefile.src as the Datatype but ViewTIFF using ABIv0 compiles ok.

I'm not sure what the problem is with the Datatype. I attached a screenshot & the sources.

Tiff Library has already been built. ViewTIFF & TIFFInfo compile correctly. But the Datatype doesn't. The compiler complained about Protos/zl.h and posixc.h & the rest is in the screenshot.
Edited by miker1264 on 18-12-2024 13:05, 2 months ago
miker1264 attached the following file:
tiff.zip [36.33kB / 23 Downloads]
viewtiff.zip [85.2kB / 28 Downloads]
miker1264 attached the following images:
deadwoodAROS Dev
Posted 2 months ago
You need to go to tiff.conf and delete the following lines:

rellib z1
rellib posixc
rellib stdc

However I noticed that you are using a toolchain from before the migration to new C library. This toolchain will build an execulable using internal libraries which are no longer present in ABIv0. I'd suggesting getting the latest ABIv0 sources and building a new toolchain.
miker1264Software Dev
Posted 2 months ago

deadwood wrote:

@deadwood - You need to go to tiff.conf and delete the following lines:

rellib z1
rellib posixc
rellib stdc

However I noticed that you are using a toolchain from before the migration to new C library. This toolchain will build an execulable using internal libraries which are no longer present in ABIv0. I'd suggesting getting the latest ABIv0 sources and building a new toolchain.

Ok. Thank you.

I thought I had already rebuilt the toolchain with the newest sources. I will do that. Maybe I will use my new Desktop PC for that. It's much faster than my old Toshiba Laptop.

I want to make sure I have the correct commands for git:

git rebase upstream/master

Is that correct?
Edited by miker1264 on 18-12-2024 13:54, 2 months ago
miker1264Software Dev
Posted 2 months ago

When I do git status it reports:

"Your branch is up to date with 'origin/alt-abiv0"

Is it ok to rebuild the toolchain now?
deadwoodAROS Dev
Posted 2 months ago
Not necessarly.

Best I'd suggest doing a clean clone and rebuild using instruction from INSTALL.md.
miker1264Software Dev
Posted 2 months ago
Wow! My Desktop Programming PC has a 1TB Crucial P5 Plus m.2 SSD.

It rebuilt the entire toolchain in 25 minutes. On my Toshiba Laptop it took 3 hours to do that.

Now I will do a clean git clone & rebuild again.
Edited by miker1264 on 18-12-2024 14:58, 2 months ago
miker1264Software Dev
Posted 2 months ago
More errors after I edited tiff.conf.
miker1264 attached the following image:
miker1264Software Dev
Posted 2 months ago
As far as doing a clean git clone the rebuild the toolchain for ABIv0 has failed several times. It couldn't fetch sources for freetype, zlib, libpng. So I copied the archives to Portsources.

But it keeps stopping in the same place...

fetch.sh waiting for process with PID: 565 to finish downloading...

So I reverted to the previous ABIv0 sources. I rebuilt the toolchain successfully. Then I rebuilt AROS. Building contrib/gfx/libs/Tiff worked. I built TIFFInfo and ViewTIFF successfully.

But TIFF Datatype has unknown symbols as before. The symbols are from Tiff Library. Are they posixc, stdc commands? Not sure how to get around that type of error.

Has anyone else successfully rebuilt the toolchain for the newest sources for ABIv0? Maybe mine is the only one failing to build?
Edited by miker1264 on 18-12-2024 18:28, 2 months ago
miker1264 attached the following image:
Posted 2 months ago

miker1264 wrote:

@miker1264 - As far as doing a clean git clone the rebuild the toolchain for ABIv0 has failed several times. It couldn't fetch sources for freetype, zlib, libpng. So I copied the archives to Portsources.

But it keeps stopping in the same place...

fetch.sh waiting for process with PID: 565 to finish downloading...

It may also be necessary to delete some temporary files in the portssources directory with names similar to the downloaded ones (files with the *.fetch extension).

See tutorial:
deadwoodAROS Dev
Posted 2 months ago

miker1264 wrote:

@miker1264 - More errors after I edited tiff.conf.

These errors are expected and are actually a good sign. However you are still using old compiler/SDK in this case. Please first get the latest ABIv0 built (following @retrofaza suggestions) and then we can look into solving unresolved symbols.
miker1264Software Dev
Posted 2 months ago
I used the new sources. It failed a few times looking for gcc-6.5.0 because it couldn't find it. I deleted the fetch file in Portsources and I downloaded the actual archive and copied it there.

This time building the toolchain succeeded.
miker1264 attached the following image:
miker1264Software Dev
Posted 2 months ago
After rebuilding the toolchain which luckily only takes 25 minutes on my Desktop PC, I rebuilt AROS from sources. It's much faster than my Laptop. The laptop has a 2.5" SSD at up to 500 MB/s. The Desktop has an m.2 Nvme SSD at up to 6600 MB/s. What a difference that makes!

Then I successfully compiled TGA & PCX datatypes, Tiff Library, TIFFInfo & ViewTIFF.

I'm very glad that the ABIv0 Build System works! Yesterday I was wondering what I did wrong.

Thanks for the assistance in making it work. :-)
deadwoodAROS Dev
Posted 2 months ago
Glad it worked for you Smile
miker1264Software Dev
Posted 2 months ago

Using the new 32bit Build System now when I try to compile TIFF Datatype I only get two unknown symbols.

U __assert & U exit
miker1264 attached the following image:
deadwoodAROS Dev
Posted 2 months ago
Add uselibs="crtmod" to build_module macro for your tiff.datatype in mmakefile.src.
miker1264Software Dev
Posted 2 months ago
I changed it but I'm still getting the same result.
deadwoodAROS Dev
Posted 2 months ago
Can you share your current sources for the datatype?
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Users who participated in discussion: amigamia, deadwood, AMIGASYSTEM, pixie, retrofaza, Amiwell79, miker1264, OlafSch
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