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New and Updated Datatypes

Last updated on 27 days ago
miker1264Software Dev
Posted 1 month ago
Where should I put the sources for TIFF Library?

Portsources maybe as a .tar.bz archive? I think it wants to compile the library from sources to bind it with the Datatype and the two projects.
Edited by miker1264 on 08-12-2024 14:14, 1 month ago
deadwoodAROS Dev
Posted 1 month ago
I'm not sure I understand the question. Is TIFF library an external library or something that is integrated in either Contrib or Ports repositories? How did you build it before for ABIv1?
deadwoodAROS Dev
Posted 1 month ago
BTW, looking at contrib repository there is libtiff in gfx/libs/tiff.

It looks like you should be able to build it via "make contrib-gfx-libs-tiff" when contrib sources is placed inside AROS sources. Be sure to have correct branch (alt-abiv0) checked out in contrib.
miker1264Software Dev
Posted 1 month ago
I believe the library archive was placed in Portsources for ABIv1 & the compiler unpacked it to Ports & compiled it & linked in to the program using it or the Datatype in this case. I'll check to make sure.

Here is a screenshot. What is it missing? It says "file not found".
Edited by miker1264 on 08-12-2024 16:03, 1 month ago
miker1264 attached the following image:
miker1264Software Dev
Posted 1 month ago

Here are the Datatype & Tiff Library sources if you'd like to try to compile the Datatype. If it works you can tell me what you did to make it work. :-)

I'm going to try to compile TIFF Datatype using the Picture Datatype Creation Tool.

Edited by miker1264 on 08-12-2024 16:44, 1 month ago
miker1264 attached the following file:
tiff_datatype_sources_1.zip [24.16kB / 42 Downloads]
deadwoodAROS Dev
Posted 1 month ago
On the photo, few lines above the final error you can see:

x86_64-aros-ld: cannot find -ltiff

It means you are missing libtiff.a linker library. To build it, use this command:

make contrib-gfx-libs-tiff

I tried it right now on master and it correctly downloaded and build libtiff.a into Development/lib and header files into Developmen/include
miker1264Software Dev
Posted 1 month ago

On ABIv0 I did the make for contrib-gfx-libs-tiff & it worked to build Tiff Library. My Internet was not connected so the fetches failed. Fortunately it found the Tiff Library sources in Portsources because that's where I put them originally. If fetches fail it looks there instead.

After that I was able to build tiffinfo which is a utility that comes with tiff library.

But I can't build ViewTIFF or Tiff Datatype yet because there are many code errors I must fix. I will need to re-write ViewTiff anyhow so it's ok.

Thanks again! :-)
Edited by miker1264 on 09-12-2024 11:34, 1 month ago
Posted 1 month ago
perhaps this is interesting as inspiration

miker1264Software Dev
Posted 1 month ago

OlafSch wrote:

@OlafSch - perhaps this is interesting as inspiration


That is interesting. It's the 68k version of Tiff Library. The Utilities included in the Library are very useful. This one has html help files also.
miker1264Software Dev
Posted 1 month ago
Interesting, my test programs ViewTIFF & TIFFInfo compile correctly in the shell with gcc.

That should speed up testing & development.
miker1264Software Dev
Posted 1 month ago
ViiewTIFF compiles with the Build System for ABIv0. It now works with Tiff Library to load & display 24bit TIFF images. Load_TIFF works. Next I will verify that Save_TIFF also works.

This is the first step towards compiling the current TIFF Datatype that uses Tiff Library & the New TIFF Datatype that uses an internal TIFF Encoder/Decoder to access Tiff Data directly.
Edited by miker1264 on 13-12-2024 14:44, 1 month ago
miker1264 attached the following image:
Posted 1 month ago
Hi Miker1264,

I noticed you are still using Icaros Desktop. I think it's a fantastic distro, but it hasn't been updated in at least a year or more. A shame that it has been left behind. Do you test your code on the newer versions of AROS released by deadwood or AROS one from AMIGASYSTEM?
miker1264Software Dev
Posted 1 month ago

amigamia wrote:

@amigamia - Hi Miker1264,

I noticed you are still using Icaros Desktop. I think it's a fantastic distro, but it hasn't been updated in at least a year or more. A shame that it has been left behind. Do you test your code on the newer versions of AROS released by deadwood or AROS one from AMIGASYSTEM?

I use Icaros because it's quick and easy. I also test on AROS One x86. I have two mini PC's for AROS testing. I'm thinking about updating the AROS One PC to version 2.7 to see what's new. I also use Tiny AROS from time to time.

For testing I prefer to use Magellan because it's very easy to transfer files, delete, rename, etc. I keep most of my test files on an SD card now so it can be transferred from my Windows 10 PC to AROS with a card reader. I also like the simplicity of compiling in the shell with gcc for quick fixes.

I have several test installations in VirtualBox but they need to be updated. I use the Build Systems for compiling mostly though I have been using x86-64 for testing because it's much less forgiving and so it crashes when the code is wrong. If it works on 64bit it should work anywhere else.

From time to time I use DevCPP for compiling. I use it for Amiga 68k and sometimes for AROS. But I have to use the Build System for larger, more complex projects such as Datatypes or MultiView or even Ilbmtoicon, modifyicon or other programs that require a makefile.src.

For the moment, until I upgrade AROS One x86 I might copy what I need to the SD card then swap the SSD hard drives between Tiny AROS and Icaros to see if it works on the mini PC.
Edited by miker1264 on 14-12-2024 10:49, 1 month ago
miker1264Software Dev
Posted 1 month ago
The Tiny AROS SSD works on my mini PC. But it will require some minor tweaking to get it to my liking. I'd like to use my coffee bean window theme and some medium brown drawer icons with neon blue glow borders. It will look nice!

The system files and gcc aren't that old. So it's more updated that Icaros but it uses Magellan. Wanderer is just too limited for testing needs.
Posted 1 month ago

miker1264 wrote:

From time to time I use DevCPP for compiling. I use it for Amiga 68k and sometimes for AROS. But I have to use the Build System for larger, more complex projects such as Datatypes or MultiView or even Ilbmtoicon, modifyicon or other programs that require a makefile.src.

Do you think it would be doable a docker with aros and DevCPP to ease the entry on aros coding?
miker1264Software Dev
Posted 1 month ago

I've never used a docker before so I don't know about that. Using DevCPP is convenient. The environment is setup for Amiga 68k, AROS x86, AROS x86-64, and maybe more. Developing for AROS & Amiga isn't that difficult. But there is lots of research to do and documentation to read.

The RKRM is a good source.
Posted 1 month ago

miker1264 wrote:

@miker1264 - The Tiny AROS SSD works on my mini PC. But it will require some minor tweaking to get it to my liking. I'd like to use my coffee bean window theme and some medium brown drawer icons with neon blue glow borders. It will look nice!

The system files and gcc aren't that old. So it's more updated that Icaros but it uses Magellan. Wanderer is just too limited for testing needs.

Why limited Wanderer ? if it is well configured it works very well, on AROS One all files are recognised even without extension, Magellan does not recognise all these files!

Lately many fixes have been made to Wanderer and now it works very well, then there is always Dopus4 which is much better than Magellan for manipulating files, in fact it has always been preferred by Amiga users.

Then if you really like Magellan you can port it to AROS One, maybe I can put Magellan in a folder ready to run when you need it.
miker1264Software Dev
Posted 1 month ago

Wanderer for me is limited because I need to switch between Name View & Icon View frequently and sometimes I'm just deleting, or renaming or copying one file and it can't be done easily in Detail View on Wanderer.

I use AROS One also. I like it because it's very full featured loaded with lots of themes and icons. It's easy to configure and I especially like all the music players. For those reasons it's a pleasure to use on a regular basis. I like using AROS One!

If you could put Magellan in a folder ready to use by adjusting the Startup-Sequence or something really easy. That would be great. I don't know how to install Magellan. When I need to test a program or Datatype I need quick and easy.
Edited by miker1264 on 14-12-2024 12:49, 1 month ago
Posted 1 month ago
On my AfA One I could start Magellan but also Scalos from an icon,see my old video attached.

For magellan I'll see if I can put it on the AROS One as a 'file manager' and run it from the appropriate icon!

Posted 1 month ago

miker1264 wrote:


If you could put Magellan in a folder ready to use by adjusting the Startup-Sequence or something really easy. That would be great. I don't know how to install Magellan. When I need to test a program or Datatype I need quick and easy.

You can put it in a folder and start Magellan when you need it, you can also run it on a separate screen and use Magellan and Wanderer at the same time, to do this you simply lower the screen or click on the appropriate gadget, see Video !
AMIGASYSTEM attached the following file:
dopus5.zip [2.27MB / 15 Downloads]
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Users who participated in discussion: amigamia, deadwood, AMIGASYSTEM, pixie, retrofaza, Amiwell79, miker1264, OlafSch
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