sorry yes the changes are that there is no more Dopus5 due to the current updates of Wanderer despite its absence you can browse directories with Dopus4, the software is unchanged from the previous version of Tiny Aros or added only WitchCleaner in the reference site you can download software addons and games
the installation procedure has remained unchanged you have to download the package inside there is the latest reference build to burn and the Tiny Aros system files to load on the USB key, you have to install the build and if you want the development tools tick the reference box during installation at the end insert the usb key and overwrite the Tiny Aros Core System files on the newly created aros system volume.
Edited by Amiwell79 on 11-07-2024 22:48, 8 months ago
The reference build has not changed since the last release have changed the corrections to wanderer the latest are the month of June, the base there is all the best of the software to be operational immediately OWB has some reference links to some utilities indispensable example if you want to create your own website or use a cloud computing service and image sharing, thanks to my promotion and collaboration with several programmers are available software for writing documents in PDF format RNOPublisher, RNOArchive for the creation and management of archives, RNOTunes for managing music tracks in many formats, RNOSlide for creating slideshows of images and documents in this format, RNOEffects has improved so much that it is also possible to do pixel art, on this last software that was already available I motivated the author in some improvements, including my latest efforts in terms of collaboration WCS a program for creating natural environments that makes use of the power of the x86 base on which aros runs, I have not included BarsPipes famous midi sequencer because it is not yet mature to be used at its best, that's all
All Best
Edited by Amiwell79 on 13-07-2024 01:14, 8 months ago
yes I have the cloud service a bit slow but I'm trying to minimise the size of the archives to make downloading a bit more efficient among the games I've added Street Of Rage Z for OpenBor, then I have to figure out how to make my distribution bootable from a memory stick but the installation process isn't difficult bear with me
i found a rom that is not part of the amigaforever package i will do some research online and if anything i will distribute everything with a legal adf package in the next release
yes i know but rom 3.5 are of commodore that failed and i know the amigaforever package are not included as far as the os is concerned you are right in fact i didn't release it
Edited by Amiwell79 on 04-08-2024 05:52, 7 months ago
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